Forum Member
could somebody post some links to what they're using for a load distribution strap? having difficulty finding what looks like will work. Thanks!
could somebody post some links to what they're using for a load distribution strap? having difficulty finding what looks like will work. Thanks!
Don't get 4.7t shackles they don't fit on the tie downs.
Yes, check that they fit before you need them :iconwink:Don't get 4.7t shackles they don't fit on the tie downs.
I just checked what mine are & they're 3.25tYep, 2x 3.2t bow shackles for the front tiedowns,
Put the strap in the receiver and use the shear pin, Blix666
For a winch use the towbar tongue and put a shackle through the hole the ball usually go's in. Never use the towball, it will break under shear load and go flying.
Don't bother modifying the towbar assembly, 1) you'll weaken it (not really by much in your example) 2) there's no need to with the options above.
Even though it's been said a couple of times already, I'm going to say it again.As stated, NEVER use the towball itself to snatch off. There have been numerous accidents doing this & a few deaths.
Thats what I've done on many an occasion & also the best/safest way.Put the strap in the receiver and use the shear pin, Blix666
You could also leave the towbar tongue in the receiver & use a 4.2T bow shackle to attach the snatch strap through the toball hole.