A Couple Of Nice Butts


Forum Founder - RIP Tony
Nov 27, 2010
Melbourne S.E, Australia
I bet this thread gets alot ofviews with this thread title. :lol:

Finding some pics along the way as i hunt some old folders
The Subee and Djulpan could be up around Steiglitz but not sure.


My exhaust had come off the hangers, it was fixed on the Monday never to break away again.
They could be twins, even down to the rear spoiler. Love the red/gold combination, green/gold is a winner too
Cool pic Mr T

If you notice i have the Eureka flag and Greg has the aboriginal one, i would like to see this theme as our next flag.
If you notice i have the Eureka flag and Greg has the aboriginal one, i would like to see this theme as our next flag.

+1, I hate seeing the English flag in the corner of our flag. It means our flag is subservient to the union jack :(

^^Here's the "twins" pic of my Forry & Kevin's :)

Apart from the bonnet scoop, they're mirror twins. This happens when the egg splits into 2 identical but mirror twins :rotfl: