Camping in Australia- threat to overseas tourists

Wonderful find, Rally.

Bloody dangerous, those drop-bears!

They can often be heard roaring at each other (and passing tourists ... ) at around sunset or early evening. It's a deep-throated, guttural roar, a bit louder than a cow bellowing, for those who have not heard it before.

I have personally seen one running along the ground. It was trying to catch me!
Thats brilliant :lol:
Better get another jar of Vegemite, just in case I think :raspberry: :lol: :p

Mr Turbo
That convinced me! I will stay in Europe and not go to Australia. Far to dangerous!
geez, talk about wimps. You've got brown and black bears and wolves in Europe don't you? Drop bears aren't that much more dangerous than them. All you need to do is take care and keep an eye out.
You've got brown and black bears and wolves in Europe don't you? Drop bears aren't that much more dangerous than them.
And they're a lot smaller too.
Plus they're asleep for upto 20hrs of the day aswell :p

Mr Turbo
That may be true Damo, but to be fair Drop Bears can drop on you even when they are asleep, and when they wake up from that they are not really happy and can be quite aggressive. I think the best things Casperfromholland can do is work on his Aussie accent and take plenty of vegemite with him. Even Aldi sell it now, for those unwilling to support the Woollies/Coles duopoly.
Very true Rally :cool:
But I'll take my chances, that together with a vegemite sandwich :raspberry:

Mr Turbo
geez, talk about wimps. You've got brown and black bears and wolves in Europe don't you? Drop bears aren't that much more dangerous than them. All you need to do is take care and keep an eye out.

Bears and wolves? I have only see those in a zoo. Live nearby Amsterdam, here we have pickpockets,thiefs and junks as biggest challenges for the tourist.
If i ever go to australia i take some lessons in aussie accent before i go and watch all episodes of McLeods daughters again. That should be enough!
I never watched McLeods Daughters, but I hope it was better than most of the rubbish that passes for TV Australia produces. Agree- the human is often more of a worry than the wildlife, irrespective of what country it might be.
Maybe not in Victoria....
Although it's not as commonly found as some of the creatures already mentioned, there is a stone creature at Mitchell River National Park that abducts people - called the Nargun.
Although it's not as commonly found as some of the creatures already mentioned, there is a stone creature at Mitchell River National Park that abducts people - called the Nargun.

I've visited the Den of Nargun, even camped on the banks of the Mitchell nearby a few times. Fortunately we were unmolested by the Nargun or his piccaninny victims :iconwink: