Gidday Pigs
Well, I am not about to say where mine is ... After all, it will still unlock the car!
some tips:
Preferably on top of something, rather than hanging downwards;
The magnets on the Keytainer are very seriously strong. Mine is still there after some fairly rough behaviour;
DON'T put a chipped key in it! Use only a cut (un-chipped) key!
Somewhere where you can get at it without too much grovelling ...
Somewhere you can get at it without the need to dismantle half the car ...
Obviously, somewhere where it is not physically in harm's way.
Somewhere not too obvious. Even though I know where mine is (should be ...
), I usually have trouble finding it. I have to physically remove it in order to get the key out of it.
Back in the olden days, I used to have a key attached to the bottom radiator hose with a bit of wire. The keyway was wrapped up in plastic with insulation tape around the lot. It worked. It saved my bacon on a couple of occasions. Nowhere near as good a solution as a Keytainer.
A Keytainer is simple, robust and relatively crap-proof. Having anything electronic, locking, etc is merely asking for trouble IMHO. Chances are, it will refuse to open at the critical moment ...
With immobilisers, the key will only open your car door, not start the car.
Another alternative is a real estate agent key box. It think the knocking of it would drive me even nuttier than I already am ...
All modern Subies also have microdot protection, so all but impossible to steal and/or re-birth. All cop cars carry a kit that enables them to see and read microdots these days. As they are sprayed all over everything (body, wheels, engine, gearbox, etc), it's rather hard to undetectably steal any part of a car so protected! :ebiggrin: :biggrin:. Crooks know about microdots, and avoid them as it is all too easy to be incontrovertibly caught red-handed! Poor crooks ...
Just a few thoughts ... About all my poor brain can cope with today!