Where do you put your rod?


Forum Member
Sep 9, 2012
Gooloogong, Australia
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Just wondering if anybody knows anything about these:


I don't mind the look of these, but I would prefer our rods inside the car!


If you have any ideas on how to carry fishing rods (about 5) without completely dismantling them every trip, I'd be really interested in how you transport rods and how successful you find your setup.

Best regards,
They both look good but my vote is for the Sumo. You dont need to separate the rod which leads to tangles in the line, plus that ad is brilliant! & on a Subie no less! :lildevil:

I dislike the bullbar mounted rod holders...imagine even a mild impact with a pedestrian. The leading edges will tear through flesh & rip out large chunks :eek::( Thats why they're illegal in most states yet you still see many big 4WD boofheads with them :shake:
Scooby2 is just standard. No bull anything on her! The Sumo outside one seems brilliant in demonstration, if there weren't so many light fingers round camps. Sad to say, but when we go away I like to be able to leave stuff locked inside the car and not worry about it.

Have taken a bit of a gamble and ordered the rod loft pro, so will see how it turns out. Am determined that for our next trip away there will be somewhere safe to put rods that they aren't either in our bed to be kept safe or in the back of the car risking damage every time four people get in & out of the car.

I agree... brilliant ad!
oh my god Ratbag! Guitars don't go under the bed @ home, and fishing rods certainly don't go under the bed in The Shack! It's bad feng shoo! Besides... more important things like drinking water, food etc go under there ;-)
I made my own a few years back using a telescopic handle,curtain rod, GPS mounts and foam tubing. All up cost around $25. Not as pretty but it does the job!I also leashed the back carrier to the child safety restraints so the rods don't become spears
Great for smaller rods but not your big heavy surf rods.
Since I installed a cargo barrier my DIY rodloft no longer fits but I now use velcro straps to the "holy sh!t" bars on back and front passenger sides. Can carry 2 bream rods and reels using this method and does not get in the way of passengers. No pics of this setup.


Awesome job Lefty! Your picture shows me what I am hoping to achieve and that is to keep the reels in the wagon section of the car, not where the back passengers are so head room hopefully isn't affected. If it is, I think the rods will need to go down the centre and only 3 instead of 5 being carried up there. Thanks so much for the pics!

Best regards,
Thanks mr T! I knew there had to be more home grown ideas than I could Google. Next Subaru design mod I will have to make sure I search within this forum!

Best regards,
I like the idea of keeping the rods in the car away from "tea leaves" but also consider the rod tips moving around at the front of the car on every bump...this will be right in front of your eyes! Another strap strung between the panic handles might help, esp if it was velcro :iconwink:
Would be nice to get something like this.


Something lockable for the roof rack bars.
I thought about those Pigsti, but I wanted not to dismantle everything each time you move camp. You can also just buy a lockable "end" that goes on to a piece of plumbing pipe (of varying circumferences)... but they need a kindof guppy belly end to fit reels... I can see it in my head but I don't think anybody makes it.

Thanks for the tip Luva of the Nacha... it will have to be a diagonal "suspension" between the front passenger panic handle and the rear right passenger panic handle. Hope there is enough support for all the rod tips.

Again, thanks everybody for the pictures/thoughts!

Best regards,
Gidday S2

My fishing rod's only about 420 mm long ... :)

It's a collapsible one. Hardly a surf rod when it's fully extended ... :iconwink:.

It's a Shakespeare STP-6 (1.8m) with a ball bearing Shakespeare spinning reel. Doesn't exactly get a lot of use ...
I've considered the Rodlok rod holders on the bullbar, but they are a bit of a hazard and can be distracting on the road too. In the past I've run them along the inside of the roof but that is also intensely annoying. Best bet is just to dismantle them I've found, just keep them away from anything that is going to break them or get caught up in the line.
I've been thinking about a cheap option for awhile now - proven to work and easy to make. PVC pipe with two screw cap ends, mounted on the roof racks. Put an old t-shirt at each end and prevents the tips/rods from getting broken etc.

Not lockable, but possibly the cheapest/easiest way to transport rods. Normally I just chuck them in the car, but they are a real pest. Never have problems with tangles, as I always take the reels off and store them separately.

Only problem is how to mount the pipe to the roof rack bars?


And the answer = conduit clamps... This company makes lockable end caps also

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I use the set you are talking about and if you get good strong bungie straps that are longish and do a couple of figure 8's around the rack and tube at each end it will work fine. I never had a problem.
I also used to wrap my rods in an old sheet before putting them into the tube as it stops the coating chiping or wearing and protects the runners.
Cool - yeah thought about doing that but didn't know how it might be looked on by police etc... I might just use paracord and see how I go!

Did you notice much difference in fuel economy by any chance??
What is paracord? The bungie straps never caused me a problem and the fact that they stretch keeps the pressure on the tube and the rack.
It was hard to tell what difference it made to economy as if they were on i would have had the boat or van or a loaded up car but in general anything on the racks will make economy worse.
Even the racks themselves have drag that's why i never leave them on if i am not using them.