Hi there all!
As you already know me i am Ted from Greece-Athens.
From the 18th of January 2013 i am a happy owner of a Forester 2,5XT MY06.
The car as you saw from the pics that i have upload in the picture gallery was in a perfect condition with not many kms.
The good thing is that the previous owner was a friend of mine that he first bought the car not for off raoding but because he liked it so much!!
The car has never gone for off raoding or any other extreme trips until it came to my hands!!
I wanted this car as i live most of the time in winter in the mountains where also i am skiing, and also for snow drift as we start a team 4 years ago with some other guys with Subarus and we develop a school for winter driving and tyre tests.
The car was originaly wth a stage I from Prodrive (ecu, ic, back box, air filter).
But for me leaving a car without modifying it was unacceptable and inevitable...!
So i have change after 3 months the turbo unit with a VF43 from the late STI, i also change the fuel pump with a Walbro one for more fuel and i made a catless exhaust from the downpipe to the back but i left the middle box as it was cause i didn't want noise.
I also did a remap with an open flash to the ECU and the car gain, from the 265hp that was with the Prodrive stage I package, 80 more horses!!
Now it has 345hp and 53kg of torque!It is a blast!!
BUt i knew with that kind of power the gbox wouldn't last for ever.
So i have bought from UK a 6 speed with DCCD complete everything with the rear diff brakes and everything else.
In the matter of suspension i am wating for a solution from Australia with KIngs and KYB cause i dont prefer the coils (except Vincent's ones that r the best) the other companys produce for our cars.
I ve been in many Foresters with BC's and r a bit harsh.If u go off road are quite stiff even if u put them in 0 position the rebound.
So i am thinking changing the front and rear suspension to the one above.
But with the reaised Kings cause i might take off the aluminium blocks that i ve made 5 months ago.
Thank you for reading it and i am very glad i found people from around the world that have the same passion.
You have also helped me a lot and gave me ideas for the car through your writings!
Best regards to all of u,
HAVE A NICE WINTER/SUMMER (depends the place u live)!!
As you already know me i am Ted from Greece-Athens.
From the 18th of January 2013 i am a happy owner of a Forester 2,5XT MY06.
The car as you saw from the pics that i have upload in the picture gallery was in a perfect condition with not many kms.
The good thing is that the previous owner was a friend of mine that he first bought the car not for off raoding but because he liked it so much!!
The car has never gone for off raoding or any other extreme trips until it came to my hands!!
I wanted this car as i live most of the time in winter in the mountains where also i am skiing, and also for snow drift as we start a team 4 years ago with some other guys with Subarus and we develop a school for winter driving and tyre tests.
The car was originaly wth a stage I from Prodrive (ecu, ic, back box, air filter).
But for me leaving a car without modifying it was unacceptable and inevitable...!
So i have change after 3 months the turbo unit with a VF43 from the late STI, i also change the fuel pump with a Walbro one for more fuel and i made a catless exhaust from the downpipe to the back but i left the middle box as it was cause i didn't want noise.
I also did a remap with an open flash to the ECU and the car gain, from the 265hp that was with the Prodrive stage I package, 80 more horses!!
Now it has 345hp and 53kg of torque!It is a blast!!
BUt i knew with that kind of power the gbox wouldn't last for ever.
So i have bought from UK a 6 speed with DCCD complete everything with the rear diff brakes and everything else.
In the matter of suspension i am wating for a solution from Australia with KIngs and KYB cause i dont prefer the coils (except Vincent's ones that r the best) the other companys produce for our cars.
I ve been in many Foresters with BC's and r a bit harsh.If u go off road are quite stiff even if u put them in 0 position the rebound.
So i am thinking changing the front and rear suspension to the one above.
But with the reaised Kings cause i might take off the aluminium blocks that i ve made 5 months ago.
Thank you for reading it and i am very glad i found people from around the world that have the same passion.
You have also helped me a lot and gave me ideas for the car through your writings!
Best regards to all of u,
HAVE A NICE WINTER/SUMMER (depends the place u live)!!