Creaky Steering Wheel


Forum Member
Apr 14, 2013
Perth Hills
Car Year
Car Model
Forester Limited
Any other people have this problem in the older cars??

It started happening one afternoon whilst driving along nice and slow on a pretty rocky road - I could feel a bit of give in the steering wheel as the car crawled over the rocks.

Also happens when turning the steering wheel full lock.

I'm guessing something is worn out? Is it something to be worried about, or just something that happens with age?
Haha, yeah thought that was the case. Bit annoying but I guess I can live with it...
Mine does a lot, but you can hardly notice it over all the noises the rest of the noises the dash makes
Tie end rods and ball joints. I just had both mine done by a specialist CV joint when I had my custom CV's done and installed 3 weeks ago. Cost me $300 to pay someone to supply and fit them.
My steering now feels tight as new.
Hmmm, I guess if the only thing it's going to do is creak I can live with it. But if it's going to affect driving much later down the track, might look at doing something with it...

Mine does a lot, but you can hardly notice it over all the noises the rest of the noises the dash makes

Haha yeah I reckon! My seat and passenger window creak like crazy when on angles, not to mention the boot door! :ebiggrin:
^ Just make sure the ball joints and tie end rods are intact, if not change them ASAP.
When I had my CV's done they inspected them and said I should changed them as they were cracked on the passenger side and said they could break at any point.This was 2 days before I did a 1200km trip to go pick up my boat from up north!
If they broken the wheel would of folded under the car, it would of rolled and I'd be dead along with my mate and the boat would be wrecked.
I'll go over them with ya if you want Sarge....
Wow, yeah would be good to know what to look for! I like the idea of preventative maintenance, makes a lot of sense.
I was lucky I think, I got slack for awhile on maintenance. It goes a long way into looking after your car though.
Given that I can be quite harsh on my Forester I am not surprised with the cracked joints.
Yep, I'm slowly getting into the habit of checking the basics every now and then, keeping an eye on all the fluid levels and always do a proper check before a trip.
Thats a good thing you had them inspected Taza.

If they broken the wheel would of folded under the car, it would of rolled and I'd be dead along with my mate and the boat would be wrecked.

I like how you mention the boat, it must mean a lot to you lol. If you were both dead I dont think the boat would be an issue lol :raspberry:

Sarge, Mine just creaks when it rubs on the dash. I just push on the dash a bit & it usually stops.
It's the top shock absorber rubber creeking when rotated in the tower bushing . Usually happens when it gets wet. Drop the shocker out and rubber grease it the rubber top. No more creeking noise. Had it before.
Wow taza, lucky they found the problem when they did.
The mind boggles as to what could of happened if they hadn't :eek:

Mr Turbo
Cheers PigSti - will check that out
I've new ball joints, inner/outer tie rods, cv's and bearings. Wheel still creaks, pulled off some of the trim and gave the bearing some silicon spray. Problem seems to have gone away fingers crossed, was a lot of dirt grim and dust in and around the bearing.

Thats bloody lucky taza. I always check mine when i change the oil with the wheel on jack it up and check for play.
Just got an update from the place servicing my car atm and turns out the 'creaky' steering wheel is in fact caused by one of the two u-joints on the steering column, just after the firewall, being worn. Tie-rods are fine.

Exact same problem as this guy on the net -> "I have a 2001 LL bean outback which has been making a minor creaking noise upon turning more noticeable at slow speed and may be felt as a slight vibration in the steering wheel. After looking into it, I have determined it is the steering coupling U-joint which is on the [ame=""]steering column[/ame] just out from the firewall. I know it is this joint as I can spray lubricant on it and make the noise / vibration go away for a week or so."

Their going to try ringing around some wreckers today to try get the part, as apart from that, he reckons it will cost $450 from Subaru and take 3 weeks to ship from Japan! Nearly dropped the phone when he said that! Hopefully he can find the part, as I'm heading out to Coolgardie Saturday (good lesson to never leave a service too late!!) and onto some rough roads out that way for a week...
If you are going out to Coolgardie, will you even need to turn the wheel anyway? :)
:biggrin: The real fun starts off the pavement, corrugations galore unfortunately...
Corrugations were invented in WA, and exported around the country. Whereas flies were invented in Queensland and is still the only place in the world where they are made.