Andriod GPS moving maps for east coast Victoria and NSW


Forum Member
Jun 19, 2012
out bush
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Rusty nissan
Android GPS moving maps for east coast Victoria and NSW

A little while ago now I stumbled across some topo maps for victoria (1:50k) and NSW (1:100k full state, 1:25k eastern selection) in oziexplorer ozf2 format for mobile maps. I've used them as a quick reference out mountain biking and 4wding finding them pretty helpful. As most people know I believe there should always be a paper map in the car in case electronic ones fail, but moving maps do make life a hell of a lot easier out bush! The best part of all this is coupled with an android tablet or phone and a program androzic you can grab these maps totally free!

It's great to drop way points in and mark locations of camp sites others have told you about or interesting things you find off the track.

Maps can be found at

Androzic at

Maps.festy does rely on donations to keep it going so if you would like to throw a few bucks feel free to

Oziexplorer is also in beta for Android and very usable (I've actually bought it now) and $30 to unlock (locked version is free but displays "trail" on the map and turns off gps tracking every 15min)

There's also programs out there to download parts of Google maps to use with ozi explorer but i've had limited success with those.

Natmap's are alo available for download in geo-referenced PDF's also free if you want to spend the time downloading them all. Yet pdf's will need to be converted

So if anyone is interested give this a go!
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I have Oziexplorer and all the Hema 4x4 topo maps and bush tracks for the whole of Australia and they all work. If anyone wants them I can show you where to get them.. :iconwink:
I've the hema maps as well, great for marking waypoints and swapping for the more details scales. vicroads and melways is handy too.