Jurassic park subaru wagon

lol! That's an awesome paint job. I thought that praps it was my old car Swifty re-born until I saw the colour of the upholstery inside!

Great paint job, but that site has more cookies than the cookie monster ... :iconwink:
Great paint job, but that site has more cookies than the cookie monster ... :iconwink:

My browser has so many blocks so many cookies,trackers i didnt notice :lol:

I have 3 firewalls; AV and AS s/w on each machine, as well as at my ISP's server side. One of those f/ws is located on each w/s.

As best I can, nothing ever gets through. So long since I've had even spyware on any PC, I can't remember when it was.

My browsers (I use four different ones ... ) all block everything, unless specifically allowed.

I don't like people putting their stuff on my computers, without my knowledge or consent ... .
Trying to keep asio out ratbag:rotfl: ?I've seen some bad rattle can paint jobs im genuinely impressed with that. Im glad the matt black dad is over
^ LOL :cool:

I have a program based on the Diffie-Hellman algorithm that will do that. Data encrypted with it is unbreakable by any means.

In the understatement of the millennium, it is called Pretty Good Privacy. There is no possible way of decryption other than by using the private key. Of course, one has to keep the private key safe ... The program I use is based on an asymmetric key. The public key can be posted on Facebook, if one likes. Once an email has been encrypted with the public key, it cannot be opened again by the sender. It can then only be opened by the recipient using the private key. Knowing the public key does not allow one to ever calculate the private key, and the mathematical transformation performed by the Diffie-Hellman algorithm is non-reversible mathematically.

I also have the version that pre-dates the late 1990s version that has a backdoor into it as part of the court settlement with the NSA, CIA and FBI. The version I have does not have that backdoor. So ASIO isn't a problem, if I wanted to keep them out, I could. I have been doing computers for a very long time.

I could even encrypt all my HDDs with it, but there's nothing worth pinching on them, and nothing that would even raise one eyebrow of the most narrow-minded bomber.

Another problem is, if one loses the private key, one is completely and utterly stuffed - one will never see one's data again, ever ...

My main aim is to keep pox-ware off all our computers. I seem to be successful, so far ... :raz:
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