Playing around with the Gopro


Forum Member
Dec 16, 2008
Logan Qld
I made a 2m long extension pole for my Gopro just testing it out also put the cam on various parts of my GT
I was driving around Mt Mee national Park in QLD


[ame=""]Gopro extension pole camera fx in the Forest - YouTube[/ame]
Great vid yarney :)
I really like all the various angles you used.

I hope there was no damage done at the bugger bit.

P.S I like the wind deflector for the roof basket too BTW :iconwink:

Mr Turbo
Thanks Mr Turbo
Only a little scratch
My son made the wind deflector for me it works a treat with tyre and fuel up top

I like it!!!:cool: Provides for some really great perspectives, surprised I haven't seen anyone else do it before.
Nice job Jan. The front bumper cam is good in that it really shows front tire placement very well, that's one that I'll be using.

How do you attach the GP to the pole?
I've been using a RAM mount, it's purty flexible. :)

Wow mine isn't as sophisticated as that it's a paint pad you buy from the hardware shop
The only thing i did to it was pull off the pad and place the adhesive mount there, I also put a bit of padding inside to stop it from rattling, you can move it around to all different angels so you don't have to change the adapters all the time
It's got a soft hand grip and you just screw it to the pole on the end of the handle is a female thread , all up cost me $20


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Gotcha, I like that handle idea, gonna have to try it.
My pole is for painting also, the RAM mount is the same setup that I use to hold my GPS, phone and Spot locater on the "A" pillar of the Foz and handlebars of the bikes.