Arizona winter storm


Forum Member
Aug 25, 2011
Arizona, USA
Car Year
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Winter is making a last brief appearance here in southern Arizona. There will be snow falling here overnight. It's supposed to be close to 90* F (32*C ) by next week-end.

A little bit of inclement weather can make even the same familiar places seem a little more interesting.

I drove up through a pass in these mountains, caught up to the rain just as I got there. I was ahead of the rain band as I reached the other side, had a great view of the valley before the clouds closed in on me again.

I headed for home, and saw the double rainbow. If only I'd had a wide angle - the complete arc was visible for a few minutes.

stormapproach by *dxd*, on Flickr

marchstorm by *dxd*, on Flickr

mustangmountains by *dxd*, on Flickr

marchrainbow by *dxd*, on Flickr
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That storm looks like it was going to be a big one.

Top pic of the double rainbow too :)

Mr Turbo
thanks guys. Truth is, after how ominous it looked, it was just some rain and a lot of very strong winds. Wind was strong enough that it was hard to stand up at times.

@carljwnc - sorry, thought I had posted "after install" photo of the stickers :o but these are more interesting anyway.
The rainbow shot is sweet even without the wide angle. The blue sky, black clouds and the rainbow, very nice.
Nice shots, dxd! Gotta love the high desert and how it showcases the sky -- come rain or sunshine, day or night!