Forum Member
When I was travelling past Mackay today I finally had to share what would have to be the most ridiculous signs that I believe will do the exact opposite of what they are designed
Now I have not photoshopped these, they are fair dinkum road signs to try and help miners not kill themselves on the road by driving home after a 12 hour shift.
I am sure the appropriate millions in research were done and the correct shrinks were called to make sure it got the right message through, but for the love of god do you think they could ask someone who has kids and travels because the last thing a parent wants plowing in their ears after 11 hours on the road is that crap if anything they can be aggrivating and possibly even cause an accident by setting an on the edge tired father off.
Secondly the target audience are generally in the car by themselves so if the point is to get the family aware its as usefull as the introduction of cane toads to get cane bugs (for our overseas brethren the cane toad was a catastrophic **** up that has done irreversable damage to Australian flora and fauna) .
These signs only appear around Mackay which is having major trouble with miners dying because they think they can work 2 day 12 hour shifts straight to 2 night 12 hour shifts and believe they have the ability to drive 6 or 7 hours straight home and this crap is their answer. The worst part is there are people in an office somewhere thinking they are great because they have solved a problem and all they have done is waste tax payers money
Lets face it how on gods green earth is a sign that says "Still a long way to go kids" meant to brighten your day, thats enough to send someone over the edge.
Rant over :iconwink:

Now I have not photoshopped these, they are fair dinkum road signs to try and help miners not kill themselves on the road by driving home after a 12 hour shift.
I am sure the appropriate millions in research were done and the correct shrinks were called to make sure it got the right message through, but for the love of god do you think they could ask someone who has kids and travels because the last thing a parent wants plowing in their ears after 11 hours on the road is that crap if anything they can be aggrivating and possibly even cause an accident by setting an on the edge tired father off.
Secondly the target audience are generally in the car by themselves so if the point is to get the family aware its as usefull as the introduction of cane toads to get cane bugs (for our overseas brethren the cane toad was a catastrophic **** up that has done irreversable damage to Australian flora and fauna) .
These signs only appear around Mackay which is having major trouble with miners dying because they think they can work 2 day 12 hour shifts straight to 2 night 12 hour shifts and believe they have the ability to drive 6 or 7 hours straight home and this crap is their answer. The worst part is there are people in an office somewhere thinking they are great because they have solved a problem and all they have done is waste tax payers money
Lets face it how on gods green earth is a sign that says "Still a long way to go kids" meant to brighten your day, thats enough to send someone over the edge.
Rant over :iconwink: