mouse in the engine


Forum Member
Nov 26, 2008
My Outback has developed a squeeking around the front pulleys (before anyone states the bleeding obvious its not one of the belts needing tensioning!!).

Its really dificult to locate but im pretty sure its the RHS (looking from the front) of the motor around the aircon pulley. sounds like one of the pulleys bearings or similar is on its way but ive pumped wd40 in and around each pulley to try and locate it but no joy... any ideas?

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hey ChickenLover, welcome to ORS. Love the name mate you must watch south park :lol:. yeah this has happened to my outback and i tried WD40 and silicone spray on the aircon and the altenator which fixed it for about 3 days. then i got singer oil and shoved the little red tube/hose off the WD40 into the end of the singer oil and applied to both the ALT and A/C and never heard a squeal since. it's been about 12 months:)
Thanks Eden - good to see the boards are alive again! did you just apply it to the inside/outside of the pulleys? and by singer oil - is that singer sowing machine oil?
strange how that works and wd40 doesnt...

yes it's the singer sowing oil. WD40 is thin and isn't really meant to be a long lasting lube but more of a starter to get things going. i just applied the oil to the centre shaft (that spins the pullys) were it go's into the A/C and ALT. turn the engine on so that they spin while your doing it and becarefull that the oil doesn't flick back at you.
^ I thought they were talking about oil for tractors :biggrin:
How many miles or kilometers are on this.

Sometimes your best tool for diagnostics are the simplest. For belt squeeks that i cant find i use the garden hose. Water make a great lubricant for about 20 seconds. You dont want to use another lubricant that may mask the noise for a while. Just have it trickle out of the hose and wet things with the engine running.

I know i have a squeel in Blu, and its the PS pump. I know i have to replace it, but it does make a really cool turbo type of sound.

Maybe try some dry lube on the belts themselves.
Ive put pressure on the belts when they are spinning (i made sure it was a sharpe object and my head was right over the top of it so I could stop the implement damaging the car with my head) and the squeel remained. Its definately rev related - its either the AC or Alt shaft bearings me thinks...Ill get some lube on it again tonight.
i gave the engine bay a blast with water to clean everything I could, but no joy...
i gave the engine bay a blast with water to clean everything I could, but no joy...

get a bottle of truck wash called CT18. mix with water as per directions then put it in a spray bottle, cover the ALT with a plastic bag and spray the whole engine bay. wait 10 mins spray again wait another 10-15 mins then hose off with as much pressure as as you can with the hose. this stuff gets just about everything off. except the rubber hoses, they need a bit off a scrub :biggrin:
Right people - Ive washed, greased, blasted, oiled, lubed, hosed, sprayed and looked sideways at anything that looks like it might squeek and its still there as ever... :censored::furious::yell::mob: sooo I recon it must be a flogged out bearing - either on the alt, aircon or power steering pulley (hard to pinpoint).

Ive got two options - pull everything apart or wait 8000k for my major service...
Any suggestions?
If you can get a stethoscope (the sort for mechanics work with a long pointed listening end, not a Dr's) take a listen to the back side of the pulleys in question and see if you can pin point it that way.
Righto - home mechanics 101 - ill attach a piece of dowel or big driver to my cold beer and have a listen... Good thing ive got a garage - the neighbours already think im strange.

If i get a flat should I stuff it with dried grass??

Im leaning towards the alt now.

Havent tried the singer oil cause water, wd40, and all the other guff should have at least quietened if I hit the spot...

good thing ive got beer in the fridge