TRED vs Maxtrax


Forum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Brisbane, QLD
Hi everybody,
Just wandering if anybody has tried out the TRED recovery devices or has information on them when compared to Maxtrax.
They are about $60 or more (sales) cheaper then maxtrax.
I've heard that they're an Australian company but I can't confirm this. They are bulkier and don't stack as neatly, they don't look like they would clean as easily. Personally I'd wait until supercheap has a 20% off store wide sale and get the real deal.
Yes, they are an Aussie company, & have a couple of sizes. I saw a pair of small ones (fine for our subies) for ~$200 at Autobarn. They've also been advertized like crazy on 4WD shows. One point they've mentioned is their strength, a weakness of Maxtrax is that if they bend apparently you cant straighten them properly.

Personally, I just finished making my MCRD's...Milk Crate Recovery Device :rotfl:
I don't care what people say, after trying planks of wood, carpet, milk crates, etc... They were all very average in comparison to Maxtrax. The best $300 I spent on offroad gear. They have saved me many hours of painfull bogging. After being used over 30times now they are looking a little worn but still have more than 2/3 of their life in them. After seeing Bushranger Xtrax in action they are pretty average for the $100 you save.

NL I don't know why you say they bend..

I know people are very stingy with money but if your going to do it/buy it, do it properly. Not a half arsed job where you waste money.. and time. My 2 cents worth anyway.
Hey Taza, have you ever used your maxtrax as bridging ladders? I'm torn between a set of them or picking up some expanded fiberglass grating. My needs lean more to bridging than traction aids.
Interesting find Barry. Will have a look at those.
Not much info out there from people who have used or own TRED. Have been doing an extensive search but havent come up with much.
Interesting find Barry. Will have a look at those.
The vendor is one of the moderators on - a local camper trailer forum.
Seems a decent bloke, consistent with that forum, which is pretty much like ORS in terms of the people whom it attracts.
I'm going to give these a go when I 're-equip'.
Cheaper than MaxTrax, similar but different - i.e. not a 'knock off', and less bulky and HEAPS lighter than my old sand tracks.
I also like the 'discrete' carry bag, so much less likely to attract 'tea leafs' when loaded on the roof rack than bright orange MaxTrax.
The Smittybilt ones seem to be exactly the same as the ones Barry linked to. I guess the Mallee Tracks are just a re-branded import. I assume they both come from the same manufacturer.
That's interesting sjm. Haven't heard of Smittybilt here, but if they are a name brand in the USA that augers well for the design.
I wonder which came first, them or the MaxTrax?
Pretty sure Max Trax came first, there is a pretty good comparison test over at ExPo

FWIW Smittybilt is a bit of a "value" brand over here.
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A mate of mine had a pair of Bushranger recovery tracks more than 10 years ago. They were great but they don't seem to make them anymore. Now it's just the X trac.
The 800mm TREDs are $135 for a pair at SuperCheap at the moment, compared to $300 for a pair of MaxTrax.
The 1100mm TREDs (similar length to the MaxTrax) are $194.

Feeling awfully tempted by the little TREDs at the moment. Sure they're not as good as the MaxTrax, but at a saving of $165 they're surely a lot better than nothing.

A couple of years ago I got bogged in Roxsie II while running a photography workshop in western Victoria about 15m from the paved road. This was on a dirt (mud) road down to the beach and we got bogged about 5m from our destination for a sunrise shoot, so we left her there until after sunrise. :)
I hadn't really prepared for off-road operations as it wasn't on the agenda so it took a bit of scrounging for sticks/rocks/etc to stuff under the wheels before she came out. I had any of these devices it would probably have been a straightforward drive out (and less embarrassing with paying clients in the car!). The 800mm tracks would certainly be easier to have in the back without putting the racks on top (there are tarps in the back already to wrap dirty tracks in).
I have milk crate bottoms that I've cut out. They work great but proper ones like MaxTrax/TREDs would be better. I'd go for the TREDs, you cant use them as a bridge over holes as they'll bend but for the price are good value. Tie hi-vis rope to the end so even if they sink in deep mud you'll still be able to find them lol :iconwink:
I have to ask/suggest would 4x The 800mm TREDs @ $135 a pair (total $270 for four tracks) be much better for recovery than 1 pair MaxTrax @$300= 2 tracks????