Happy Birthday Barry

mr turbo

Emeritus Forum Staff and Founders' Friend
Jul 11, 2008
Sydney, AUSTRALIA & ORS.com
Car Year
Car Model
I thought I'd wish you a happy birthday mate :raz:

Best wishes & many happy returns for the day :ebiggrin:
Hope you're having a good one mate :bananatoast:

Mr Turbo
Birthday wishes aren't much of a substitute for a stolen trailer and associated gear, but best wishes anyway. I sincerely hope the next 12 months goes better than how the last 12 finished.
Birthday wishes aren't much of a substitute for a stolen trailer and associated gear, but best wishes anyway. I sincerely hope the next 12 months goes better than how the last 12 finished.

My thoughts too.

But a HUGE happy birthday! Lets all focus on the now and not the has been, well, Barry might while he wonders where the last years went :P

Chin up old chap, it's just another candle!


Thanks fellas, on balance it hasn't been a bad year, ending much better than it started in several respects.
Rang the insurance company again today,to ascertain what happens next, and was advised that they will write it off if not found within 2 weeks of reporting.
So I'm researching the new unit, probably won't be ready for Christmas though, so that will have to be a hire trip.
Still, the new rig will incorporate all the small improvements I hadn't had time to make to the stolen one! :biggrin:
Well I guess you get a new trailer for your birthday. Happy birthday mate, may have even found a diff to share with you if you're still interested.
Glad to hear you had a good one mate, even despite what happened with your trailer.

Mr Turbo
Thanks for all the wishes.

The confirmation arrived from the Police today that I have reported the theft.
In the scheme of things I imagine this is the last I will hear of the matter from them.

Am hoping to look at a Heaslip rear fold soft floor in the next couple of days - a nice 'prezzie' for myself, and generally within spec at about 750kg 'dry' Tare weight and ball weight of ~ 90 kg. :biggrin:
Oops, I missed your birthday :(

Hope you had a good one, sorry to hear bout your trailer. New trailer plus new diff...maybe a birthday wish after all ;)