The best philosophical discussions happen after an exhausting day of hiking and a couple shots of Jager
Other than that... I like a lot amber beers. My favorite of the summer, however, is the "Dieu du Ciel Chardonnière", a smoked dark beer that I discovered at a local beer festival for independent brewers (there are a LOT here... at least 5 downtown, in the greater Quebec city area... off the top of my head, I believe there are about 10, each with their own, unique beers).
Chardonnière at the festival)
When I'm relaxing at home, a "Coureur des bois" on ice (somewhat similar to Baileys, but with (real) maple instead of coffee) are great.
And finally, during the holidays, I
love egg nogg! (Like really, really, really, as in totally addicted).
PS: I know, Instagram pictures are for hipsters... I swear I never use Instagram for anything else than the above