Time to move on


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2008
Car Year
Car Model
6 Speed
While the recent thread on a controversial topic did eventually become a bit of a farce, it is indeed unfortunate what has happened since. Issues which affect us in our off road pursuits I thought were worth discussing. But we have become so politically correct that this is now no longer possible. People take offence at almost anything, and now we are specifically banned from discussing something relevant and topical. Well, we all have a choice. Accept it or go elsewhere. So while I may lurk around in the background, I'm moving on. Nothing personal against anyone, and my respect for Kevin in particular remains very high. Nice to have "met" you all. Goodbye and all the best.
All the best Rally & hope to see you on the tracks again soon
Gidday Rally

Sorry to see that decision, mate.

BTW, you have a PM.

br, RB
I'ts a shame you wont be adding your voice, I was always interested to hear what you had to say even if I didnt agree, plus your knowledge on how to get the most out of driving a Subie was always so useful :biggrin:

I'm sorry that thread got out of hand, I know I had a part in that & I'm sorry it had a part in your decision.

I hope after a while you start posting again...
Sorry to see you go Rally. I was always intrigued by your posts and some of your very useful knowledge. You were a good inspiration to the forum and will be missed!

Sorry to hear you're leaving Rally :sad:

The emence knowledge will be missed.

Best of luck with & in your future endeavors.

Mr Turbo
Farewell Rally! Sorry to see you leave.
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It's a shame it's come to this Rally. I still hope to catch you on one of the trips some day soon.

I too at times feel the pain when you're banging your head against a brick wall in answering some of the meaningful threads only to have your experience dismissed for theory and mathematical theory. Real world experience rules, it's proven to me time and time again - especially from watching others while out 4wd'n or through their build ups.

I hope that one day the waters are cleared and you're back on here (and other forums if you feel the same about them too).


Thanks for the kind words- much appreciated. Ciao.
I was about to start my own thread but found this one.

After a few months on and off the forums, my interests (and study) are taking me elsewhere, and I'm going to be leaving the forum.

Best wishes to you all in your future endeavours.
Best of luck with your studies aware :)
And remember that you are welcome back here at any time :iconwink:

Mr Turbo