Rear suspension lateral links lenghtening


Forum Member
Sep 8, 2010
Joburg, South Africa
My 2006 Foz is lifted 65 mm at the rear (50 front). It has a slight bow-legged look due to the negative camber created by the lift.

Has anyone thought of lenghtening the lateral links by 10 mm or so? This will fix my problem. Should maybe look for a set from a written off vehicle.
Ive seen them cut with a flange butted on each half and shims for adjustment. It was on a Datsun 1600 and off road only though.

I think camber bolts would be the easiest option.
Do you mean positive camber? that is where the top of the wheel leans out...neg camber the top leans in. When a lift is done it pushes the wheels down in an arc, creating positive camber.

Camber bolts replace one of the bolts connecting the hub to the strut. They have small cams on them that when rotated push out the bottom of the hub, lessening pos camber or giving neg camber, depending on your choice.

I have them in the rear (bottom bolt) but am bit wary of putting them in the front as they are considerably thinner therefore weaker, than the factory bolts, and any failure in the front would be catastrophic! :eek:
Use camber bolts, they replace the bolt/bolts that hold your struts on at the bottom of your hubs, with that much lift you may need one top and bottom, usually you just put one in the top hole, they have a cam on them which your wheel aligner will adjust.

As far as lateral trailing arms go you may need to lengthen them to get the rear wheel back to where it should be, usually they go forward and can affect the steering, We got 4 and cut strengthened & joined them together about 25mm longer= perfect.