Xmas Trip....


Forum Member
Oct 13, 2008
I am taking a week on the road, just me, my 2000 forester gx, the computer, a camera and heading up from Melbourne, to Wilcannia, White Cliffs, Broken Hill, Adelaide.

I have allowed a week for the journey and would like to know what I should see along the way..

The Computer is the Asus R2h Running windows XP, it has a built in GPS and I have OziExplorer for mapping and track files.

Full details of the trip I have planned on my blog here https://www.wolfcat.com.au/randomrants/2008/10/postid-413/... but what should I see along the way???
I haven't been to Willandra so I don't know how good it is, but I have been to Mungo and it's excellent. You could then go Pooncarie Menindee Wilcannia White Cliffs.

While you're in Broken Hill make sure you go out to Silverton, and also a few km further on to the lookout over the Mundi Mundi plains.

Broken Hill to Adelaide is an easy day trip but it really depends on what time you have to meet the plane in Adelaide.


Cut and past from my blog...

So here are some facts and figures on the trip.

  • Planned Distance to Adelaide: 1881k, Travelled 2425k (Trip Total inc getting home via the Coast 4069k)
  • Total Fuel Cost S415.54 across 13 fuel stops (a couple were only top ups for long runs) (Most expensive was 146.9 at Ivanhoe, White Cliffs was only 128.9!)
  • Road Kill : 2 Galah’s (1 on the windscreen right in front of me… not happy!) + countless locusts!
  • Technical Failures 2 - front cigarette lighter in the forester and then the power inverter died as well, plus 2 blown fuses. result of this is about 50k of gps trace missing plus it will take me a few days to pull some nema logs together.
  • Car Issues - 2 - 1 - Leaking transmission fluid since rebuild pretrip, noticed it 100k from Wilcannia up a dirt road in a telstra dead spot… total cost of repair $20!. 2 - have bent the chrome around the towbar after bottoming out on a dip somewhere.
  • Number of wrong turns - only about 3, and no more than 1 or 2k in total. (Silliest was not seeing the Ivanhoe Caravan Park as I drove into town… of course it is the petrol station!)
  • Photos taken - 6400 (65gig! worth) (have geotagged about 50% already) (have uploaded 50 to flickr, a lot of them are repeats or differing angles working out what looked the best, or are going to be used in panoramas. Most of the pano’s I have uploaded already use at least 50 shots to make them so smooth.
  • Bad People I meet on the journey = 0; good people = all those I talked to along the way.
  • Number of days with rain 1 which did mean a change to plans to camp near Ivanhoe, but worked out just fine anway. (Protip if you hear rain on the tent in the morning… wake up and put it away then don’t go back to sleep for an hour and wait till the ground has turned to mud!)

https://www.wolfcat.com.au/randomrants/2009/02/postid-478/ this post has the gooogle map for the kmz file from the whole trip.. bar a couple of small side trips to shops (less than a k or so) and 60k on the Silver Highway into Broken Hill when both my phone and UMPC ran out of charge.
That is a hell of a great trip of a trip. :)

Had a look through the pics that were taken of your adventure & there's some really good one's there. I especially like the sunset/sunrise with the "little" boat :)

Mr Turbo
thanks... the trip was a blast... amazing what a week on the road on your own does for you... highly recommend it to everyone.
love this one wolfcat. just perfect. colours, timing and suburbia. nice one

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thanks... the trip was a blast... amazing what a week on the road on your own does for you... highly recommend it to everyone.

I'd love to do a trip like that at some stage. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do it one day. :)

Mr Turbo