Brush guard on a GC8?


Forum Member
May 23, 2009
Brighton, Colorado
What do you all think? Found this gem at a local junkyard. Need a light bar for a night rallyx event and I think I can make this work. Came off of some Isuzu SUV..


Btw, that's not mounted yet ;)
They do rob from your approach angle. I don't think they were designed for anything other than highway use
Yea yea yea, not planning on climbing any hills ;) This is for rallyx, which is mostly flat. And it will be temporary. I'd like to put it on the OBW if i can get away with it (ehm wife). Or I'll put it on the Foz I'm planning on getting later this year ;)
Good find mate :discomonkey:
As Rally said, if you do venture off road it will hurt your approach angle :cool:
However, if it's going to used for your rallying then you should be sweet :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
Been following this already a bit elsewhere.

For temporary use certainly should be fine, especially if you painted it. Other than that, I think your RS is way to sexy to have that thing hanging off it's nose all the time.:iconwink:
Looks like a WRX. Either way, have fun