So I have a Problem


Forum Member
Jul 15, 2008
Surfside Beach,SC
I've tried and tried, but I just cannot get the subaru stuck!! This is a horrible problem. I unfortunately don't have any pictures in the act but only of the carnage afterwords. I promise I was really trying to get it stuck but it would always get out! Also I managed to add a new point of exhaust right before the cat, it does give it a nice rumble now. :rock: I am now also missing my new wind deflectors in front of the front tires along with the liner to the right wheel well. Just more reason I need a lift!


Man, you weren't kidding about it being orange.:) Time for a new air filter.:iconwink:

It was great to meet you yesterday, thanks for your persistance in tracking us down. I'll have pics up sometime soon hopefully.
haha awesome job!
How are you going to go about cleaning the engine?

I just covered up the important electrical bits and took the pressure washer to it. I am going home next weekend and gonna detail everything on the car better, its hard to do at an apt.
Classic pics thatguy. Just brilliant. :biggrin:
There's nothing better to see than a dirty Suby. :raz:

P.S I have a chamois if you need it. :lildevil: :twisted: hahahaha

Mr Turbo
Reminds me of the fun I had in my Impreza a few weeks ago. Hope you had as much fun as I did! Getting the mud out from underneath took a while though.
Reminds me of the fun I had in my Impreza a few weeks ago. Hope you had as much fun as I did! Getting the mud out from underneath took a while though.

O ya, and the worst thing is this mud was smelly so I still get a little wiff of it every once in a while.
It took me a few hours with the car on a hoist and a water blaster to get rid of the mud- and the smell. Still, as I siad, well worth it.
I am now also missing my new wind deflectors in front of the front tires along with the liner to the right wheel well. Just more reason I need a lift!

I feel you're pain there mate - except that I havn't lost anything, just made a piece of art with my floor pan un-intentionally. I'm hoping to have my lift sorted in the next month or two, then the fun begins!

Here's a pic of my L last sunday, welded rear getting a good workout:



And here's some of the "art":


^ Sump guard


^ Front of right rear wheel - really makes the subi look like a rough bush pig now :(

