This is just my opinion.....but there is a lot of rubbish on TV shows,current affairs, ads on TV etc etc...
A few of the things to consider....ANYONE that is spruiking a service that will make you rich and says it is easy/phone today etc is RUBBISH!!!!!!
Anyone taking a fee for service is to be considered a middle man and could be bad news.
Of course you have to pay a fee to buy and sell but that is normal.
I use Commsec and am happy with them.
READ,READ,READ. All the info is out there. Google directors,use the research tools on the trading platform you use etc.
DO NOT BE GREEDY!!! A profit is a profit and don't worry about what you WOULD have made just be happy with making a profit.
Learn maths. This is one of the biggst downfalls in my opinion. eg If you make 1% after 1 week that is equal to 52%pa. This is a VITAL thing to learn and should be a major part of selling.
Gold shares should be avoided at all costs. They are ureliable. If you track the share price of say...Newcrest (which i think is one of the biggest gold miners in the world)...look at it 10years ago and then now...see what dividends it has paid etc and you will see that you would have to be very good at TRADING to have done well.
A major talent to have is COMMON SENSE!!!
I work on 95% safe....5% risk.
It really isn't that scary.