What transmission do I have?


Forum Member
Sep 9, 2011
Sydney, Nsw, Australia
I am doing an ej conversion in an l series and have decided to put the ej transmission on with low range conversion instead of an adaptor plate.

I got the engine an gearbox out of a liberty but I am not too sure which one I have.

After searching around for transmission numbers I still cant find the one that is on the transmission I have.

The numer on the transmission is: 8L-TY752XHABA.

Can anyone help me?:question:
G'day rudy88 & :welcome: to ORS.
Sorry I can't help out re the gearbox, but I'm sure someone on here should know.

Mr Turbo
If it's out of a Gen 1 Liberty <95 it'll more than likely be the 1.19, if it's out of a later Foz, Impreza, Outback, Liberty it'll more than likely be the 1.56? which is a MUCH better option.
Howdy and :welcome: rudy88!!!

You might want to put your location in your profile, that can be a big help if folks know where you are.:)
Welcome. Yes- telling us what city, state/province and country you are in does help us help you as well as being a point of interest.
Thanks Guys,

I still cant find that transmission number but no problem, If you dont know about something, you pull it apart...don't you???:lol:

I have been a bit slack withmy profile but have put some stuff in there this morning.
If it's out of a Gen 1 Liberty <95 it'll more than likely be the 1.19, if it's out of a later Foz, Impreza, Outback, Liberty it'll more than likely be the 1.56? which is a MUCH better option.

No, if it's from a foz or an impreza it'll be 1.447 low range. Everything else that's dual range is 1.19:1 low range. The L series is the only one with the 1.59:1 low range, I'm unsure of the MY's low range, but it doesn't fit the EJ's Dual Range anyway...


Yeah I knew it was lower, just couldn't remember what it was ...... hence the ?.

Sorry I shouldn't have been so brazen with my reply. Dunno why I wrote it like that - it should have been "close..."

I didn't think about the "?" - my bad!

