Magnum 4X4 hand winch


Jan 1, 2012
Bayside, Melbourne, Vic
Car Year
MY06, MY10
Car Model
Forester SG & SH
5MT/DR & 4EAT Sports
Gidday Folks


Just won a brand new, never been used Magnum 4X4 hand winch on Fleabay, complete & with its original packaging for $223.50.

ARB quoted me $455 for this item, and $1,200+ for a Tirfor ...

NOW I just have to get it from country Queensland to here ... ;).

Actually not such a biggie. One of my rellies manages a trucking company office up that way, and has offered to have it picked up on the way past on a normal run, and deliver it to the depot in Melbourne for free ... :ebiggrin: :lildevil: :biggrin: ...

Should give me some security when I am travelling alone off the road :exclaim:.
Thats a great deal RB :monkeydance: I'd be very happy too, with a score like that :discomonkey:
Looks like you did very well on the postage aswell ;)

As they's not what you know but who :iconwink: :raz:

Mr Turbo
Gidday NL

Awesome score well done.

Thanks, mate. It won't lift me up a cliff, or anything; but I have read a review of this creeper winch as against others by an end user. He was using it (them ... ) to winch his 1900 Kg Nissan (?) up his driveway over an obstacle. He reckoned that he broke another brand (second one ... ), and the other ones he was testing were nowhere near as easy, fast or strongly built as this. He specifically mentioned that he did not test the legendary Tirfor ...

I think that my Fox weighs a lot less than 1900 Kgs ...
In fact, the GVM for the MY06 Fox is only 1950 Kgs.

Relo's can be pretty handy lol ;)

You're not wrong. I just rang him up for some advice, and he offered to do this for me. Very kind of him.

Do you have a link to it?

You have to scroll down a bit. Here:
Gidday Mr T

Thats a great deal RB :monkeydance: I'd be very happy too, with a score like that :discomonkey:
Looks like you did very well on the postage aswell ;)

As they's not what you know but who :iconwink: :raz:

Mr Turbo

Thanks mate. I reckon it is a good deal too. So does the guy who sold it to me - from his PoV.

They reckon that a great contract is when everyone goes away thinking they have screwed the other party; :rotfl:.

Seems that with this bit of kit I should be able to (slowly) edge my way out of trouble; whether forwards, or backwards, specially when by myself.

Just need a snatch kit with distribution strap; tree protector; some bow shackles and a few short star droppers. I know how to anchor these and use them for anchorage points, even in sand or loose soil. Just need some nice long & strong bits of nylon rope.

Gradually getting my off-roading kit together.

I will never be doing anything as dangerous as the Phasmid Track by myself ... Just have to be sensibly prepared for what I want to do.
If it operates anything like the Tirfor you may find it worth your while to get pully blocks as well, especially if you will be operating solo.
Gidday All

If it operates anything like the Tirfor you may find it worth your while to get pully blocks as well, especially if you will be operating solo.

Apparently the Magnum is quite fast for this type of winch - i.e. somewhat faster than the snail-like speed of some others ... - this comes from the long throw on the lever, AFAICT.

You will have to fill me in on the details of what other bits and pieces I might need Barry. Much obliged for any advice and/or suggestions you may have to offer, TIA.

Makes me realise how lucky I was to get my Tirfor for $200! :ebiggrin:

Too right!! The bloke at ARB didn't even bat an eyelid when he told me that price ...

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, Ratbag! Good find! :discomonkey:

Thanks, DR :biggrin:.

Great find Ratbag, you will have to give us a video demo :iconwink:

Thanks, Taz.
It is my serious intention that it will never be used except for a practice run or two ... Like house or life insurance - one hopes that one never gets to collect on it ... ;) :ebiggrin: :rotfl:.

It is being picked up in the next week, and will show up in Melbourne some time after that.

Hopefully I will have some time to do a write up on it, after the others I have promised.

Also have to write a love letter to the fuzz about that minor infringement ...
Thanks, Taz.
It is my serious intention that it will never be used except for a practice run or two ... Like house or life insurance - one hopes that one never gets to collect on it ... ;) :ebiggrin: :rotfl:.

It is being picked up in the next week, and will show up in Melbourne some time after that.

Hopefully I will have some time to do a write up on it, after the others I have promised.

Also have to write a love letter to the fuzz about that minor infringement ...

Although getting stuck and needing to use a hand winch isn't as bad as having to collect insurance money for any reason but I understand where your coming from.

I always like to try things, like the winch before or if at all it is needed in a real life situation. That way you have an idea of how to use it and set it up :)
Pull your foz over an object in your own driveway would be a good test :raspberry:
Makes me realise how lucky I was to get my Tirfor for $200! :ebiggrin:
Lucky alright :raz: or perhaps I should say you stole it for that price :lol:

It is my serious intention that it will never be used except for a practice run or two ... Like house or life insurance - one hopes that one never gets to collect on it ... ;) :ebiggrin: :rotfl:
I know exactly what you mean :iconwink:
But just by having it there, with you, it just gives you that little bit extra piece of mind :ebiggrin:
As with the insurance, it's a bit like the fire extinguisher that dad bought me as a present once :) After thanking him for the greatly for it, I told him it was a present that I hoped I'd never need to use :)
He looked stunned at first, then realised what I meant & laughed :p

I always like to try things, like the winch before or if at all it is needed in a real life situation. That way you have an idea of how to use it and set it up :)
Very true :iconwink:
There's not much point having one if you don't know how it works, especially when you need it most :cool:

Mr Turbo
You will have to fill me in on the details of what other bits and pieces I might need Barry. Much obliged for any advice and/or suggestions you may have to offer, TIA.

AFAIK other items you will need are a tree protection strap, leather gloves & a winch extension strap would be a good idea too. Also a pulley (can use it to double pulling power or to winch around a bend).

Can it be used to lower a car DOWN an incline? or just winch up it? Thinking of the Phasmid Tr...

+1 for practising with it but be careful with your heart, etc...its bloody hard work. If you do RB...TAKE IT EASY!!! :poke:
AFAIK other items you will need are a tree protection strap, leather gloves & a winch extension strap would be a good idea too. Also a pulley (can use it to double pulling power or to winch around a bend).

Can it be used to lower a car DOWN an incline? or just winch up it? Thinking of the Phasmid Tr...

+1 for practising with it but be careful with your heart, etc...its bloody hard work. If you do RB...TAKE IT EASY!!! :poke:

It could be used with some modification or some wierd setup but it wouldn't be worth it. If you want to winch your car down an incline then you shouldn't be going down their in the first place.

Yeah take it easy if you do mate. Its real hard work, you wouldn't want to be doing it here. Currently 38degrees and its 8pm!!!! :huh:
Gidday All

Apparently the Magnum is quite fast for this type of winch - i.e. somewhat faster than the snail-like speed of some others ... - this comes from the long throw on the lever, AFAICT.

You will have to fill me in on the details of what other bits and pieces I might need Barry. Much obliged for any advice and/or suggestions you may have to offer, TIA.

Thanks, Taz.
It is my serious intention that it will never be used except for a practice run or two ... Like house or life insurance - one hopes that one never gets to collect on it ... ;) :ebiggrin: :rotfl:.

I always like to try things, like the winch before or if at all it is needed in a real life situation. That way you have an idea of how to use it and set it up :)
Pull your foz over an object in your own driveway would be a good test :raspberry:

Will do mate.

I know exactly what you mean :iconwink:
But just by having it there, with you, it just gives you that little bit extra piece of mind :ebiggrin:

Very true :iconwink:
There's not much point having one if you don't know how it works, especially when you need it most :cool:

Absolutely spot on.
You will have to fill me in on the details of what other bits and pieces I might need Barry. Much obliged for any advice and/or suggestions you may have to offer, TIA.

AFAIK other items you will need are a tree protection strap, leather gloves & a winch extension strap would be a good idea too. Also a pulley (can use it to double pulling power or to winch around a bend).

Yeah. One of the terrific attributes of creepers is that you can use them to winch frontwards, sidewards, backwards, up, down.

Can it be used to lower a car DOWN an incline? or just winch up it? Thinking of the Phasmid Tr...
The SWL of the Magnum is only about 1400 kgs vertically, so would have to unload Roo2 to lower it over a cliff - :rotfl:. NEVER going to happen. So we could have used it to winch ourselves back up that first incline. Shouldn't come close to its (level) SWL of 2400 Kgs on a 45° slope with a Forester; let alone its breaking strain. SWL is usually 25% of breaking strain. Our GVM is a maximum of 1950 Kgs with all passengers and luggage. Someone more competent than I can do the maths on what the WL would be of a 1550 Kg vehicle on a 45° slope ... Should be just under 2400 Kgs, roughly.

If one were doing this, it would be sensible to double anchor the vehicle using a system of "capstans" and ropes around some handy trees IMO.

I plan on carrying some long, new, high strength nylon ropes in the future. Some with proper eyelets; some without.
That shaggy old rope I showed you is completely untrustworthy these days, but I have towed vehicles out of bogs with it in the past. New, it probably had a breaking strain of some tonnes.

+1 for practising with it but be careful with your heart, etc...its bloody hard work. If you do RB...TAKE IT EASY!!! :poke:

Thanks for your concern, NL.
It might take me half a day to do what someone else could do in an hour or two, but I'm not about to do anything stupid (not that stupid, anyway :rotfl: ).
Hey guys after looking on youtube at hand winches and the likes I have seen people use Hi-Lift jacks. Although no designed to lift subarus and are very dangerous, for winching it could be perfect.

You can pick them up on ebay for around $80 onwards.

I currently have one of these; it just doesn't work. Locks up plus you can't get enough leverage on it.
This is the same hand winch I have and is Cluster Focks foz, stuck at the powerlines in Perth :rotfl:


So I was thinking that a Hi-Lift jack is another option. Anyone actually seen on used like that in action?

I remembered Dad had one in the shed but through it out because he didn't use it :cry:
I thought about a high lift as a winch but by the time you buy the acessories to make it function as one it's not much cheaper, it's bloody big and it's bloody heavy. you can't use pulleys with it, and you can't use it as a jack on a suby unless you have front and rear bars with the proper points.
G'day Taz

Hey guys after looking on youtube at hand winches and the likes I have seen people use Hi-Lift jacks. Although no designed to lift subarus and are very dangerous, for winching it could be perfect.

You can pick them up on ebay for around $80 onwards.

I currently have one of these; it just doesn't work. Locks up plus you can't get enough leverage on it.
This is the same hand winch I have and is Cluster Focks foz, stuck at the powerlines in Perth :rotfl:
So I was thinking that a Hi-Lift jack is another option. Anyone actually seen on used like that in action?

I remembered Dad had one in the shed but through it out because he didn't use it :cry:

Something like this is probably a better accessory than Wallaby jacks; which are plain bloody dangerous!

BTW, the Magnum handle weighs about 3 kgs all by itself, and is quite long for leverage.
hahaha Taza I was just about to post that photo of my POS stuck at the powerlines, beat me to it.

Yeah that cheap brand of winch is useless. Spent 6 hours trying to get that car free (open diffs, my old enemy) and when the winch locked up and wouldn't release, well, it was a hopeless situation. Got on the CB to a passing Nissan and he helped me out.

Using a highlift jack as a winch is definitely a viable option. Sure, it'll take time and resetting but if you're stuck in a situation where you need to hand winch for a long distance then you clearly didn't follow the seven Ps.

Could be worse though...I remember in Northern Safari (1950s doco about crossing the harshest deserts in an old diesel 2WD Buick) that the guy built a winch out of a tree and some wire using a .303