Commonly Used Acronyms


Product Developer
Oct 27, 2011
SE Melbourne
Thought it might be an idea to list some of the commonly used acronyms to help people new to the some old farts lol...

IMO : In My Opinion, also
IMHO : In My Humble Opinion
AFAIK : As Far As I Know
MT : Manual Transmission
5MT : 5 speed Manual Transmission
AT : Automatic Transmission
ATF : Automatic Transmission Fluid
GB : GearBox
BTW : By The Way
JK : Just Kidding

My favourite...
TLA : Three Letter Acronym (an acronym for acronyms) :rolleyessarcastic:
Thought it might be an idea to list some of the commonly used acronyms to help people new to the some old farts lol...

IMO : In My Opinion, also
IMHO : In My Humble Opinion
AFAIK : As Far As I Know
MT : Manual Transmission
5MT : 5 speed Manual Transmission
AT : Automatic Transmission
ATF : Automatic Transmission Fluid
GB : GearBox
BTW : By The Way
JK : Just Kidding

My favourite...
TLA : Three Letter Acronym (an acronym for acronyms) :rolleyessarcastic:


And it is interesting how these have developed into declined, mostly regular "verb phrases" (no such term, AFAIK; so don't bother looking it up ... :iconwink:).

IMO : In My Opinion
IMHO : In My Humble Opinion
IMVHO : In My Very Humble Opinion
IMNSHO : In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMAO : In My Arrogant Opinion
IMFAO : In My F******* Arrogant Opinion

IME : In My Experience

LOL : Laughing Out Loud (or, Lots Of Love from WWI and/or WWII)
ROTFL : Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMHO : Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Head Off (substitute other parts of one's anatomy, depending on one's audience ... :iconwink:).
ROTFLMFHO : Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F******* Head Off ...

And just the odd one or two (or 40,000+) more here:

As a student of language development and use, the following article is also interesting to me:

What often baffles me is the use of "non-standard" shorthand that is frequently encountered on Internet Boards; i.e. Abbreviations of terms or URLs that require specialised knowledge to decipher. This is one reason why I usually include a full URL rather than just mentioning a store or reference by name. Helps me to avoid the feeling of really! (Whisky Tango Foxtrot; or whatever ... :lildevil:); maybe it also helps others?
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40,000! Crikey! Well lets not list em all lol.

Couple more...
LMAO : Laugh My Arse Off
really! : What The F(ruit) ;)

I've wondered what this meant
IME : In My Experience
Wow, there's 40K of them :surprised:
I knew there was a fair few, but I didn't think there was that many :)

My favourite two would have to be SNAFU & FUBAR :p

I'm thinking of using the second one as a name for my next puppy dog :twisted:
And when people ask me why I named it that, I'll just tell them thats what will happen if they come onto my property without my permission or when I'm not there :eviltoyou:

Mr Turbo
Gidday Mr T

Wow, there's 40K of them :surprised:
I knew there was a fair few, but I didn't think there was that many :)

My favourite two would have to be SNAFU & FUBAR :p

I'm thinking of using the second one as a name for my next puppy dog :twisted:
And when people ask me why I named it that, I'll just tell them thats what will happen if they come onto my property without my permission or when I'm not there :eviltoyou:

Mr Turbo

There's also PHOBAR = Photoshopped Beyond All Recognition ...
Not strictly an acronym, I know; but hey, it's all slang after all, so who cares ... :iconwink:.
One I invented for myself when I was married SITCOM "Single Income Two Children Overdraft Mortgage"

One I heard the other day referring to a woman BFB "Better From Behind"

Where N= No, I= Idea and G= Good. The remaining one is up to you
This one my room mate and I took from waynes world, it was nicer to call a girl this if she was off her rocker, mad at something

PHB: Psycho Hose Beast
we'd just say she went all PHB mode on him! He said it way better, having that black man from chicago attitude ;)
Rarely used, but one of my favourites:

USC: Up S*** Creek.
Yes I like that one too. I'd have to say it gets used quite often here by us Aussies :lol:

Another one that we use a lot (especially at work) is
FMD: F*** Me Drunk / Dead.
Mainly for when someone does something stupid :shake:

Mr Turbo
One I invented for myself when I was married SITCOM "Single Income Two Children Overdraft Mortgage"

Also, DINK, Double Income No kids
SINK, Single Income No Kids

One I heard the other day referring to a woman BFB "Better From Behind"
Haha not sure how to take that lol. Bet she wasnt either haha :lol:

My favourite two would have to be SNAFU & FUBAR :p

You'll have to explain SNAFU. plus i've heard FUBAR so many times but never knew what it stands for :confused:
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Gidday NL

You'll have to explain SNAFU. plus i've heard FUBAR so many times but never knew what it stands for :confused:

SNAFU = Situation Normal: All F:censored: Up

FUBAR = F:censored: Up Beyond All Recognition


BTW, my shoulder & left arm were so bad last night when I left Noojee that I had to drive home using my RH to change gears :(! I was in absolute agony ... Had to take lots of the strong stuff last night: Panadeine Forte + Valium for the spasming!

I can't even think how I did it??
Maybe just some of the rapid and hard steering corrections?

My left arm is not the only thing in a sling today ... :rotfl:

Typing is flaming difficult. Plus I have also been taking Panadol since I woke up, so not exactly with it; and need to rest.
I think I'll leave the Trip report for someone else to kick off ...
BTW, my shoulder & left arm were so bad last night when I left Noojee that I had to drive home using my RH to change gears :(! I was in absolute agony ... Had to take lots of the strong stuff last night: Panadeine Forte + Valium for the spasming!

I can't even think how I did it??
Maybe just some of the rapid and hard steering corrections?
Sorry to hear about your shoulder & left arm RB :sadbanana:
I remember doing something similar to my shoulder a couple or years ago at work & I was stuffed at how I did it :shrug:
Luckily it was all covered & fixed up through workers comp :)
It ended up being a pinched nerve :bcool:

You'll have to explain SNAFU. plus i've heard FUBAR so many times but never knew what it stands for :confused:

SNAFU = Situation Normal: All F:censored: Up

FUBAR = F:censored: Up Beyond All Recognition

Thanks Ratbag, I would've explained them, but it seems you beat me too it :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
Gidday Mr T

Sorry to hear about your shoulder & left arm RB :sadbanana:
I remember doing something similar to my shoulder a couple or years ago at work & I was stuffed at how I did it :shrug:
Luckily it was all covered & fixed up through workers comp :)
It ended up being a pinched nerve :bcool:

I don't think the Warfarin helps ...

Thanks Ratbag, I would've explained them, but it seems you beat me too it :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo

No worries, mate. I have just noticed in the past that you are often offline until early in the am ...

Typing this on the new phone, so pretty tedious!!

At least it worked very well during the drive y'day, but not in th valleys, of course.

Haven't worked out the database s/w yet ...