New Subie Commercials


Forum Member
Dec 11, 2010
Loveland, CO
Their kinda funny in their own way :biggrin:


Haha, i have waaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands this morning!
This one might be my favorite.



There's Subaru, then there's the rest :cool:


Great commercials :lol:
After having such a crappy day at work, they are just what I needed, a good laugh :lol:

Mr Turbo
Hah, here's a funny STI commercial from a few years ago


Ah geez, one commercial let to another, and then came this one!

They have released a plethora of dog commercials in the last couple days.






Who doesn't like a commercial that stars dogs anyways? ;)
They are brilliant :biggrin:
I was LMAO when he shook all the water off himself just as he jumped in the back :lol:

I'd had my Forry about 2 days when I decided to take my puppies out for an adventure. Once we got back to the car, they were not only wet, but also covered in dirt & mud from head to tail & did the exact same thing :lol:

I was not very happy at the time :madred: but thinking back on it now, it was quite funny, I must admit :rotfl:

Mr Turbo
A ski one they released ta'day

Released another slew of commercials, this one pretty descent.
Not sure if i like the rear of these though, they look waaay too much like a Toyota or hyundai. Just doesn't have that same aggressive/intimidating look that the 2010 models have. The back window has also shrunk a good bit from the looks of it, taking away from the visibility Subies are usually unrivaled in.


I do like this one though! Looks like a little Lotus

More indepth vid vvvv
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