Forum Member
I know this is "offroad" subarus, but we all hit the pavement pretty much every day. Just wanted to remind everyone to drive safe on slick roads. Driving to Dripping Springs this morning, i was almost hit head on by someone who came around an upward curve & hydroplaned. Fortunately i had just enough room to shoot off the road & barely missed getting hit. The other driver was a girl, who was quite shaken by it, but was okay. Just 2 miles later, someone else had already slid off the road, hit a guardrail & flipped down into a creek bed.
On the way back, things got even crazier. RR 12 turns into 2 lanes each way at one main straight away for slower traffic to move over & faster traffic can pass. I always stay in the right lane at this section & don't speed because it's a big speed trap. However, the person ahead of me in a white corolla wasn't passing anyone, yet he was on the passing lane - the lane closest to oncoming traffic. Well i reached down to change stations, looked back up & a split second later i saw a maroon grand-marquis almost sideways crossing into our traffics passing lane. Next thing i know, the cars hit head on at about 55-60mph, both doing 360's . I quickly got on the brakes and got off the road to dial 911. I've never been so close to such a bad wreck in my life. Thinking about it now, i can still smell the hot metal, oil & blood from approaching the guys that were ahead of me. It about makes me sick to even think about it. We tried to get the guys out, but could not get the doors open on the car. Emergency personnel ended up using the extractors or "jaws of life" as you may know them.
You can see it driving by, or in an allstate commercial or a movie, but i tell you what, there's nothing more real than what i saw then. Anyway's, just a little reminder (maybe scare tactic) for everyone to drive safe on those slick roads. I would hope to never come across something like this again.
Here are a couple pics below, but some might find somewhat graphic. After there not being much i could do, i sat up on the hill and let the pros work while we waited on state troopers to arrive to give my statement.
On the way back, things got even crazier. RR 12 turns into 2 lanes each way at one main straight away for slower traffic to move over & faster traffic can pass. I always stay in the right lane at this section & don't speed because it's a big speed trap. However, the person ahead of me in a white corolla wasn't passing anyone, yet he was on the passing lane - the lane closest to oncoming traffic. Well i reached down to change stations, looked back up & a split second later i saw a maroon grand-marquis almost sideways crossing into our traffics passing lane. Next thing i know, the cars hit head on at about 55-60mph, both doing 360's . I quickly got on the brakes and got off the road to dial 911. I've never been so close to such a bad wreck in my life. Thinking about it now, i can still smell the hot metal, oil & blood from approaching the guys that were ahead of me. It about makes me sick to even think about it. We tried to get the guys out, but could not get the doors open on the car. Emergency personnel ended up using the extractors or "jaws of life" as you may know them.
You can see it driving by, or in an allstate commercial or a movie, but i tell you what, there's nothing more real than what i saw then. Anyway's, just a little reminder (maybe scare tactic) for everyone to drive safe on those slick roads. I would hope to never come across something like this again.
Here are a couple pics below, but some might find somewhat graphic. After there not being much i could do, i sat up on the hill and let the pros work while we waited on state troopers to arrive to give my statement.