Old Forum Format


Jul 9, 2008
Little 5 Points Atlanta
Car Year
Car Model
OB Limited 3.6R
Until we get the old site restored lets try and recreate it here. What were the different forum categories from the old site?
Does anyone have any screen shots or will we just have to go by memory.
Here's a few from my photographic memory to start the ball rolling:
  • planned trips
  • members trip reports
  • general help - all models
  • brakes suspension & handling (all in one?)
  • bolted on bits and accessories
  • ...
  • ....
  • ......
The problem with my photographic memory is the pictures are very grainy :D
See my suggestions in comments, suggestions etc. Should have read the site more fully before posting:o
There was a cooking topic as well.
GPS section where members could post info, track ,maps etc
Camping gear was one too right?

Should I separate "Camping and Cooking" into a Cooking forum and Camping and Gear forum

Or just add Gear to "Camping and Cooking". I leaning towards this option. Keeping it simple.
From memory there was a category labelled "Front, Rear and Underbody Protection" which dealt with all those things like bullbars, wheel carriers and sumpguards too.

Maybe still a viable topic?


Oops just saw the snapshot which shows that exact category ...but I like your snapshot of the old website... I've been immortalised (kind of...) - I've got 3 of the latest posts, and, if you scroll all the way to the bottom there is one registered user online - ME!!! How bizarre!
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If and only if the new SubaXtreme pull their finger out :mad:

I know the price of steel is going up, but the prices they are charging are outrageous :eek:
How about area specific sub-forums for Trip reports?
I used the old forum to look for new places to visit but it was sometimes difficult to work out where is where when someone simply posts a subject heading "My weekend away" with lots of nice pics only for me to work out that it was somewhere in the USA while I'm in Perth Australia.
One thing we could do without is having to re- enter sign on details when the wind blew from a certain, but unknown direction! :)
How about area specific sub-forums for Trip reports?
I used the old forum to look for new places to visit but it was sometimes difficult to work out where is where when someone simply posts a subject heading "My weekend away" with lots of nice pics only for me to work out that it was somewhere in the USA while I'm in Perth Australia.

Look here: Trips and Adventures