Rally Armour Mudflaps


Forum Member
Jul 10, 2008
Tathra, Far South Coast, NSW
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Need a bit better protection from flying stones when towing my tinnie and was thinking of getting some Rally Armour mudflaps. Just the budget version. Can i get these on the Gold Coast? Any other suggestions?
I had the fancy vinyl Rally Armor mudflaps on my MY06. Absolutely loved them!

As soon as I get another Subaru, I'll be buying another set of Rally Armor flaps. They are well worth the money, just for the customized fit. Although this time around, I might go with the cheaper version, as the shiny vinyl just looks too fancy for my plain taste. :)
Looks like i can only get them from US by the lack of posts.
I will order some in the next week or so. Anyone on the Gold Coast interested??
I know TroyXT has some on his Forester. He's happy with them. I'm also looking at getting a set for my car soon.


Anyone know why the basic set is $15 and the next price is $100 and all the way up to $195? I realise the more expensive ones are bigger but from the basic to the next cheapest the difference is around 660% and they're not 6x bigger.

Is there something else I'm missing?
According to the RA website the basic set, which is what i will get, is $US52.99. I think postage was $US40 approx.
I went with the cheaper basics.

Anyone know why the basic set is $15 and the next price is $100 and all the way up to $195? I realise the more expensive ones are bigger but from the basic to the next cheapest the difference is around 660% and they're not 6x bigger.

Is there something else I'm missing?

Yes, no mounting hardware and plastic, not urethane.
Sounds like there is no mounting hardware though and they are not specifically cut for a specific vehicle so need to make you own holes etc.

The UR Mud flaps have been great and they see lots of dirt and sand.
I went with the cheaper basics.


I bet that Kroger in the background is one of the one's my stolen debit card # was used at! Got used at several Krogers around the Atlanta area. But they busted the guy a few months ago out there. Had like 650k credit/debit card #'s on his comp. :bananagunner: