Leaded or lead-replacement petrol in a 2006 NA Forester


Forum Member
Sep 8, 2010
Joburg, South Africa
Hi Guys

I have a 3500 km trip coming up in 10 days and due to fuel shortages in SA (wage strikes by unions) we might get stuck along the way. There is however a better chance of obtaining leaded or lead-replacement petrol when this situation arises.

Can I use this in my 2.5 NA Forester?

My vehicle is out of warranty and has 130k km on. I understand the cat will be written of, but I'm not too concerned about this seeing as its probably already useless and we dont have laws regulating emissions and I will probably replace it with a freeflow soon.

What other damage can I do? It will probably only be for about 3 tanks.
Use standard plugs, not platinum. Not sure if it will affect the O2 sensor. Only other thing I can think of is octane rating. We haven't had leaded fuel for some years now, so it is a bit difficult remembering the effects of running a car in leaded, Here the nozzles on the petrol bowser are smaller for ULP and would not accept the bigger ones for leaded. It may not be an issue where you are. On our rally car, we ripped out the restrictor to hasten re-fueling during service.
O2s will clog and a CEL will come on because the ECU will lose info it needs to operate the engine. Engine will start running rough and stall. We've been discussing this issue on another forum with an Iraqi that put just one tankful of leaded in his car.
I would imagine lead replacement petrol would be fine. It's higher octane rating to ULP so the Foz will probably enjoy it.
I wouldn't run leaded petrol. For a couple of reasons.