Re-Seat Tire Bead when on the trail


Forum Member
Dec 11, 2010
Loveland, CO
Myself & a few buddies had actually done this when in highschool to avoid us walking back several miles to civilization when off roading. He had his own yard mowing business & kept starter fluid in his truck at all times. This does work, you just need to be sure to clean the bead well before you try. We only had matches, so once we flicked them at the wheel, they were stuck inside. Probably still there to this day :biggrin:

After reading up on this a good bit, it's best to have the wheel upright & have your air compressor handy. The gases cool quickly & will deflate if you don't air it up right away.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Tire bead re-seat on the trail, starter fluid and flame‬‏[/ame]

FYI, you do not want to go overkill on the spray like these idiots, or you could about get killed . But i'm sure you already know that!

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪REDNECK TIRE MOUNTING‬‏[/ame]

I keep adding, but here's a nice clean job that shows a good proper way to do it. I just listened for the first time and there's a little language at one part.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Tire Mounting 101‬‏[/ame]
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Saw years ago people using flame and gas to inflate a tyre. Then saw video of someone using flame to ignite gas from within with far more humourous, if painful, results.
Saw years ago people using flame and gas to inflate a tyre. Then saw video of someone using flame to ignite gas from within with far more humourous, if painful, results.

Haha, i can imagine how that turned out :lol:
I've seen that done before, but never had the chance to try it myself.

Like the guy said in the 3rd vid, there's the right way & the wrong way.
Obviously the guys in the 2nd vid went a little overboard & used way too much lighter fluid/spray. It was definitely over kill alright :shake:

Mr Turbo
Which one Damo- the one Matt was referring to or the one I was referring to? :)

I've seen that done before, but never had the chance to try it myself.

Mr Turbo
I remember seeing a 4wd adventure show once (can't remember the name) where they showed it as a demonstration :)

I could just imagine the outcome if the guys in the jackass movies tried it though :lol:
Knowing how they do things, I'm sure it would have had explosive results, to say the least :lol:

Mr Turbo
I've known about this for years, but a great reminder to pack some starter or lighter fluid along. Think I carry some starter fluid in my gear, but I better go check.:)
third video, about 54 to 56 secs: what sort of plant is that?
cant say i've tried it that way, have tried the strap over the wheel and compressor though