Under body shielding


Forum Member
Jun 16, 2009
South Australia
So I'm in the process of changing my clutch and putting a 1.59 low range in the Outbacks gearbox. But my question for everyone today is do you think the exhaust shield that runs between the propshaft and the exhaust is of any use? It caused issues last time I was offroading by bending up into the propshaft causing some wonderful noises. It does protect the rubber cover and uni joints of the propshaft from the heat of the exhaust but is it worth the bother?

Put it back on, or leave it off?
I have removed half of mine on my Forester due to the bolts rusting and causing the guards to bend and rattle. Haven't had an issue because of it :ebiggrin:

I've seen CV joint grease split into oil and soap due to heat... Maybe just intensify your grease checking regime and you'd be fine (?!?)
Phiz I think you'll be fine mate - it's probably a noise reduction and maybe even an aerodynamic enhancer...

All that said - all L series/MY's don't have this shield and have no issues with excessive heat etc from the exhaust on other components of the drive train.

Plus if you leave it off you'll go faster :lol:


Only real bit I am worried about is the rubber boot on the propshaft extension part. But it is about 70mm away from the exhaust, so shouldn't be an issue heat wise I guess.

Just seeing what other people think. Looks like it's a leave it off part!
I don't know about the boot you're referring to... It should be alright.

Just keep the shield incase you decide to sell it - then re-install so the car is near factory again ;)


Near factory... lol, it was hail damaged. And despite my best efforts is still visibly so. I only paid $4200 all up so if I sell it I'm sure I'll get enough money to make me happy. However that part will go in the ShedLiberty...