Reminder: carry your recovery gear


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2008
Just a little reminder, if you're going out for a drive, even on your own, take your recovery gear with you. It serves no purpose sitting at home.

My plans on Sat were cancelled at the last minute so decided to go for a little drive and explore an area I hadn't been to before. Loaded up the car and headed off. Late in the day, maybe 3ish I came across a car that had gone across a little creek crossing and bogged down in the loose river sand on the other side.

Now as it turns out this road went no where and ended just a km further on so passing traffic wasn't exactly going to be regular. He'd been there for about an hour trying to dig out. Another bloke in a Outlander out for a drive had come come by but didn't have any gear either but was still trying to help get them out. Apparently he had all the gear but it was at home in his garage. Luckily I had my stuff with me and pulled him out easily in a couple of minutes.

So, remember, take your recovery gear with you.
I've been there and one that before. Great fun getting stuck with no gear whats so ever :lol:

90% of the time im out on my own or only the one vehicle. So recovery gear is now a necessity for me. I still can't work out how to use my hand winch but atleast I have it if I need it....

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I've stopped going out on my own until i own a hand winch.
Luckily because I have the wheel carrier I have a great big indentation called a wheel well in the back which holds an amazing amount of junk like tools, shovel, tow & snatch straps, a heap of hoses, a good size container of nuts & bolts of all shapes & sizes but I'm not sure I'd adventure out on my own into the middle of nowhere on a whim without taking my TipTop (bread crate) ramps or my winch which won't work yet because I'm waiting on a new relay.
I don't carry all the stuff I take when I go out on a trip, but I always have with me; my snatch strap, tow straps, tree protectors, bow shackles and a few other goodies.
How true that is. Even if you don't need it for yourself, it's always comes in handy to help other people who may need your assistance.

Mr Turbo
I've stopped going out on my own until i own a hand winch.

Why is that mate?! :p

My recovery gear pretty much lives in my subi - somewhere!


What really sucks is when you have all your gear with you.......but no one to pull you out. :biggrin: (and in the desert, we don't exactly have trees to strap a winch to either)
What really sucks is when you have all your gear with you.......but no one to pull you out. :biggrin: (and in the desert, we don't exactly have trees to strap a winch to either)

Been there and done that but in sand dunes. Thats why I carry bog planks on my roof but am soon to be an owner of a pair of these babies.


They are quick self recovery tools and can be used as shovels. Made in Australia :cool:

I also carry a hand winch along with star picket... this means if I can't get out with the maxtraxx (or at the moment my Jarrah wood bog planks) I can put the star picket through the centre of the spare tyre after digging a hole then winch off that :biggrin:

Its worth being prepared :ebiggrin:

I was tempted to grab a set of Maxtrax at the 20% off sale at Supercheap last weekend but resisted......this time.
I don't go out on my own, but my back does.
I learnt my lesson - CARRY RECOVERY GEAR!!!

in the front on pic note the tyre tracks made by the suby backsliding - it started to slide as i opened the door and had a leg out - the door dug into the bank and pushed the suby over against the opposite bank.... she was only weeks old so you can imagine what was going thru my mind.

Just learned that lesson this past weekend after getting stuck in the soft hawaiian sand. time to find a place to mount the hi-lift jack.