Urgent Help - New clutch


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Ok, im gonna get straight too it. The Foz has just shigh of 150,000km. I have burnt the clutch badly where there was white smoke over 20,000km ago. Yesterday at the powerline track (Mundaring, Perth) burnt it badly once again. Since then the clutch has felt very light and today when offroad on the beach down near Bunbury I thought it went. Wouldnt drive at all but would go into all gears and felt sticky and light. Already had the master and slave cylinder replaced 15-20,000~km ago. Since im on my holiday and unable to drive home I might need a new clutch. Hoping its the master or slave cylinder when I take it in tomorrow but if it is the clutch what should I get?

I know the stock is dual flywheel. I was going to get a Single flywheel thats a whole clutch kit? What should I do or get? Needa know by tomorrow morning sometime (Tuesday).

dunno how much help this is, but the H6 has an Exedy FJK7005HD in it.

I'm told it's a heavy duty clutch that you can ride like hell.

Check the Exedy site: according to that the heavy duty for an SF5 2 litre is FJK-7115HD.

I have heard both good and bad things about Exedy HD clutchs. Good being they are suited for the job but some people complain about shudder issues. I think with my low torque though that wouldnt be an issue.... Are they quite heavy when you press on it? I like the heavy feeling mine used to have. How are they for every day driving and offroading?

Bummer to hear Taza. Hope it doesn't end up costing you a fortune & end up putting off that much awaited lift you've been dying to get.
Sorry mate can't help you - gave up on clutches in 1996.
I have heard both good and bad things about Exedy HD clutchs. Good being they are suited for the job but some people complain about shudder issues. I think with my low torque though that wouldnt be an issue.... Are they quite heavy when you press on it? I like the heavy feeling mine used to have. How are they for every day driving and offroading?


I have no complaints so far. It does not feel heavy under the foot, and I have not experienced any shudder.

I was pretty sure the 2.0 never had the dual mass flywheel, it was only on the 2.5.

I think that's right, and even then I think it was only an issue with the MY03.
Im Taza's mate David.

We called the RAC and the bloke came and said hes pretty sure the clutch is gone. The subi can still go under her own steam and right now we are crawling towards the nearest mechanic.
Got the foz to a mechanic, they have ordered the clutch today and pulling the engine out now. New clutch will go in tomorrow or this afternoon and engine back together tomorrow morning. Should be good to go by mid-day. hoping I dont get charged to much...

Called Malaga Springs and Suspension and they have movedthe springs and lift to get done on Thursday. This is turning out to be a expensive trip.

Sorry I can't (should've said couldn't) help re the clutch as I've only just seen your post.
When I had mine done not long ago, I told them to fix & replace it with the same as what was already in it.
Hope they don't sting you too much with the price.

P.S I know you're not having much luck at the moment, but keep your chin up mate. I'm sure things will change for better really soon :)

Mr Turbo
Hi taza
I had my fingers crossed it would not be that bad for you but alas. I am glad you have been able to find a mechanic that quickly, normally WA stands for "wait awhile". At least it wont take up too unneccessary time. when you get your new clutch and lift in I know your car will be great. We had a great time 4wding on the beach.
Thanks guys. I really want to thank Phil (Campbell9) and his mate for helping me get my foz back to my brothers place down south. Called RAC Roadside assistance today and they confirmed the clutch was F**Ked to put it bluntly. Managed to get her to a mechanic today and they moved their scheduals around to get me in since im 800km away from home . Its nearly 8pm now and by the afternoon they had the engine out and new clutch in,ready to put the engine back in in the morning. My springs have been moved forward to Thursday. I want to thank the suspension mob for getting me in the next day too. Theres not too much else to go wrong with her now.

Its turning out to be an expensive 5 day trip. Over $3k anyway...

Thanks guys. I really want to thank Phil (Campbell9) and his mate for helping me get my foz back to my brothers place down south. Called RAC Roadside assistance today and they confirmed the clutch was F**Ked to put it bluntly. Managed to get her to a mechanic today and they moved their scheduals around to get me in since im 800km away from home . Its nearly 8pm now and by the afternoon they had the engine out and new clutch in,ready to put the engine back in in the morning. My springs have been moved forward to Thursday. I want to thank the suspension mob for getting me in the next day too. Theres not too much else to go wrong with her now.

Its turning out to be an expensive 5 day trip. Over $3k anyway...


That sucks Taza! :eviltoyou:
Hopefully you don't get a case of the "Mr Turbos" and have 2 more bad things happen!
Why would a workshop with a hoist take the motor out instead of the box?

Who knows....

I ended up with a Pro Clutch Heavy Duty one, cost me $1300 all up to pretty well do it in a day and a half. Atleast now I dont have to worry about it going any time soon :biggrin:

Got home last night from my trip and will post pics, vids and do a trip report later tonight if I get the chance. Oh I forgot my raised springs and lift kit are in. Its so awesome!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear & see all about your trip taza :raz:

Did you get some before & after pics of your lift ?

Mr Turbo
Not too bad, I expected them to rip you a new flower pot but they just tore it a little, standard price for a new hd generic clutch is about $1,050 fitted by all the Subi workshops (apparently a price set by the guy who makes them so workshops don't undercut each other with his product) but you got new coolant thrown in too.......I hope.

I bet it sits a bit flatter on the corners now with your perty new blue springs.
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Great that the car is all sorted out, your home safely, and had a great time!!!:ebiggrin:

Awaiting trip report...