Oziexplorer topo maps for NSW and VIC


Jul 10, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Okay, there appears to be an expression of interest in these maps.

People at the moment that are requesting a copy is as follows:-

  1. just_bj
  2. paffoh
  3. charlie
  4. hoadie
  5. apo's
Here is how it works, we'll wait and develop a list of names. I guess, when this list reaches 10 or so, we'll start sending out the disks. When a individual on the list receives the disks, they make a copy and PM the next person on the list that has not received their copy. So on and so forth.

So, who else wants in?
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Carlo if you have the LPI topocat cover in pdf don't forget to include it as it saves heaps of time looking for the right map in N.S,W.:) enjoy guys these maps are brilliant :lildevil: for anyone else who goes offroad in N.S.W. or VIC these maps are a must. all it will cost you is $130 for Oziexplorer program. it'a 1 time payment and always upgradable for free.
Well here is an example of the topo maps dvd that will shortly be release.


Just waiting for just_bj to get back with his address.
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OK, the ball is rolling.

So what happens now?
  1. When you get the DVD in the mail, take a look at the next person on the list.
  2. Send them a PM requesting their delivery address.
  3. Post back here when you have made contact and when you have received their details (this helps everyone know that things are happening).
  4. Make a copy of the DVD for yourself.
  5. Send the DVD onto the next person that you received their details from.
What if you don't hear back within a few days?
  1. I guess this is going to depend on what you consider a reasonable amount of time.
  2. I would say 3-4 days. If you don't hear anything, contact the next person on the list.
  3. Post back here that you have not heard from the original person so that I can update the status and that everyone knows what is going on.
Great idea!

This is what we did on GPS Australia, but we had over 50 people on the list. Thought about doing it here, but with so few, did not seem worth it. But hey, at least everyone will now get the info faster.

Well done guys :)
If anyone still waiting wants me to send them a copy PM me the name and address and I'll get it on the way asap.
Here is the list of interested people that wish to take part.

  1. paffoh - DVD received 09/10/2008. New DVD received 28/10/2008. Forwarded to charlie on 04/11/2008.
  2. charlie - DVD received 07/11/2008. Has done a runner with the disk.
  3. Cheyne_r - DVD received a copy from Spinners on 07/01/2009.
  4. wolfcat - DVD received a copy from Spinners on 09/01/2009.
  5. hoadie - DVD received a copy from Spinners on 07/01/2009. Forwarded to goraiko, apsilon & gazzaw on 08/01/2009.
  6. just_bj - DVD received a copy from Spinners on 07/01/2009. Forwarded to SKT on 08/01/2009.
  7. SKT - DVD received a copy from just_bj on 22/01/2009.
  8. goraiko - DVD received a copy from hoadie on 12/01/2009.
  9. apsilon - DVD received a copy from hoadie on 09/01/2009.
  10. gazzaw - DVD received a copy from hoadie on 12/01/2009.
  11. Coyotte - Will receive a copy from apsilon.

Those in the queue that still want a copy:
  1. darkmilk
  2. apo's
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Got mine..... What do i do now.....?????

Who wants it....????

PM me snail mail addy if ya want it...