Texas Wildfires


Forum Member
Dec 11, 2010
Loveland, CO
Just wanted to share with everyone about the massive wildfires that have been ravaging our state for the last 2 weeks. The fires combined have scorched over 1.4 million acres (an area larger than the state of Rhode Island), burned hundreds of homes, evacuated towns, & killed two firefighters. If you saw my trip report in the camping section from South Llano River SP, you can see just how dry it is. We've had some dry hot years, but nothing ever this bad, or this dry this early in the year.
Our skies out here in central TX have been cloudy every day/ night due to all the smoke from out west.
Here are some amazing photos courtesy of the people that took them...

A ranch near Strawn, TX ^^
A fire blazing near the McDonald Observatory in west Texas (below)

Here are more mind boggling pictures to see. One of the blazes in here was only a few miles from here - when it talks about the one SW of Austin. A homeless dude actually lit the fire & it ended up burning down about 8 homes. Needless to say he'll have a roof over his head & 3 meals a day while he's in jail. Oh and free dental care too.
We finally received some rain up here yesterday, but not enough.. We could use a week of slow steady rains to soak the ground and put the fires out...

Here's a satellite picture from a few days ago :

Incredible. I actually had to make a run up yesterday to Lancaster with my father-in-law to pick up a new vehicle. I couldn't believe how green it was up there! We left here at about 8:30, it was 83 outside. We got there about noon and it was 65 and drizzing. Got back down here, it was 94! Had to help at the wifes grandma's place to pick up a crapload of tree limbs from the storm you guys had a week or two ago. Tons of them down all over the place..
Incredible. I actually had to make a run up yesterday to Lancaster with my father-in-law to pick up a new vehicle. I couldn't believe how green it was up there! We left here at about 8:30, it was 83 outside. We got there about noon and it was 65 and drizzing. Got back down here, it was 94! Had to help at the wifes grandma's place to pick up a crapload of tree limbs from the storm you guys had a week or two ago. Tons of them down all over the place..

Yeah, the last few days, our weather has been a little erratic up here.. I think Tuesday was mid 90's. I don't think we ever got out of the 60's yesteday. Today looks like we might get into the 70's. Tomorrow, we're supposed to hit 90 again.. :(

It's been kind of drizzly today. I wish we'd get some RAIN, though..
Saw these fires on the news last night :o Not good at all.
Hope everyone & their family's on here are safe.

Mr Turbo
This is the first I have heard of it. Must be early in the season I would have thought to be getting bushfires- especially ones that big. Our bushfire season is over now- it was too wet with all the floods (except in WA where they did have bushfires), but I know how scary they can be. Let's hope damage and loss is as low as possible. It makes me angry though that unlike floods, cyclones and earthquakes, most fires are deliberately lit. If I had my way I'd tie the arsonist to a tree in the path of a fire and see how he goes.
Yeah, typically it's not this dry here until August or so. April & May are suppose to be our wettest months of the year down here, but mother nature missed that memo. Over 2400 sq miles charred like an overdun briskett!
:eek:,:censored: I've heard about them but that the first pictures I've looked at.

Prayin' for rain for y'all down there!!!
:eek:,:censored: I've heard about them but that the first pictures I've looked at.

Prayin' for rain for y'all down there!!!

Yeah I hope you get some rain to help with the fires. Coming from a hot dry area I know what its like and how scary they can be. Keep safe and we all hope for the best.

Yeah Taz, i can imagine you being out in Western Australia, you know a little bit about the dryness! ;)

A fire actually broke out here this morning and burned down one place & damaged a few others before it was controlled. The day the little Wimberley Valley was almost swallowed up by fire :ebiggrin:
Just went through the Bastrop area for the first time since all the wildfires were going on in the previous picks. Have to admit it's pretty disheartening to see all the distruction out there. The once, very pretty stretch of highway surrounded by tall pines on both sides is just like a dead forest now. Snapped a quick shot while passing through. This section wasn't too bad, nothing but fried trees for miles and miles.

My heart really goes out to those affected by wildfires/ bushfires. My sister had a place in Marysville that was burnt to the ground along with over 300 other buildings. I think there were only 6 or 7 left standing in the entire town!

Here's a few pics to show the regrowth, both of the vegetation & the town...

Seed pods left after the fire in my sisters front yard. Just behind is the remains of the house, behind that you can see the burnt bush:

Children's playground at the bottom of the town:

New houses & revegetation, 2yrs later: