My timing belt cover repair


Forum Member
Dec 16, 2008
Logan Qld
I have got a project going repairing a Gt Forester that my son had crashed not major but the insurance co wrote it off.
Part of the damage was the timing belt covers the two side ones had holes in them one with a smashed side. The middle one was destroyed so i had to buy one. After repairing the the sides covers with my plastic welder that i bought for the job i went to fit them today and realised there were some pieces missing bugger. After looking for all the crashed bits i found the broken parts and this is the repair i did.

This is the bits sorry about the blur

This is where it broke off

The nut is welded back on it's embedded in the plastic plus there is one other piece welded

All welded now need to repair the holes

Holes repaired
Cleaned up with an miniature air grinder (Dremel)

Inside view

This is where it goes

I could of taken the inner cover off to do the job properly but it is only to stop dirt getting in. The welding finished now

Job finished all fits in and tightened up

On all 4 cam circles where damaged but you can only see 2 of the repaired bits top right and bottom left

I am in the process of repairing the grill it is nearly finished i will post the end result when done.
Why you ask spending all that time to do this.
I would rather fix things than through them out and it is a challenge to do so.

Lookin' good. The Plastic Welder sounds interesting.