EA82 intake bolt is going to snap


Forum Member
Aug 12, 2010
I've just swapped over the EA82T in my L series with a replacement.
Trouble is, the new engine doesn't have the power steering pump mount.
To fit it I need to rip off the intake manifold, but two of the bolts go into the water jacket and after attempting to remove one, I am certain it is going to snap.
Should I ditch the p/s and chuck in a manual rack?
Or is there a fix for a snapped manifold bolt? Doesn't look pretty.
They don't call me Bodge for nuthin

Rough as guts I am.
I decided to grind the head off the bolt.
This allowed me to remove the manifold and also created a "stud".
I then ground the manifold down so I could just fit a nut on the new stud.

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You could also use a pipe wrench to grab the "stud" near the bottom and remove it from there. It's always the longer ones that break because they flex more with the extra length but by grabbing it at the bottom with the pipe wrench you're preventing it from breaking, thus successfully removing an already broken intake bolt. But you had a great idea too lol.