subtle solution 1" lift kit


Forum Member
Feb 4, 2011
Yarra Junction Vic
Ok dropped a line to the subtle solution guys but I am concerned as to whether American Models line up with Aussie Models. Ie is my Outback which was built in Sept 2000 (9/2000) definitely the same as an American 2000 model.
they list 95-99 which looks like mine (Two tone) and 2000-2004 which is a solid colour.

I can provide the following info to help some one correctly identify which ' lift kit I need.

Compliance plate B-3A Options plate. Model-BH9CKBR
Eng type EJ251MXCAE Trans type TZ1A4ZFCBA

Build date front passenger side door opening September 2000

Any one have any idea? Fanx col
Maybe the best way is to go off what generation Outback you have. After all, they change the suspension basics with generation changes rather then MY changes.