NZ Earthquake


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2008
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6 Speed
I know we have some NZ members on ORS, not sure though if any were in the Christchurch area. Hope all are well. In true ANZAC spirit, I was pleased to see some NSW fire rescue people already there and successfully finding survivors. I hear some NSW police are being sent there, as well as Queensland police and rescue teams. But what was not at all pleasing is the devastation, injury and loss of life our cousins in NZ are suffering only months after another earthquake struck the region. It would seem both our countries have suffered from natural disasters of late, but as our histories have shown, they don't come any tougher than the Kiwis and Aussies. All the best.
My thoughts are with the poor people in New Zealand at this terrible time.

Mr Turbo
Well, I've heard about it, but not in much detail. It is actually getting pretty good news coverage here. I'll try to inform myself better today.

Having been through a crazy, big earthquake myself, My thoughts and prayers are with the folks in NZ.
Yes, coverage is in abundant up here. Last i heard there was 75 fatalities & 350 still missing... Absolutely aweful, will def. be saying a prayer for the folks down there. Sounds like it's been a crappy 2011 so far for you guys.
Thinking of all those in NZ.
Ordinary people facing extraordinary events are the true 'superheroes' of this world.
Likewise the peoples of Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya.
I've never experienced an earthquake and obviously I never want to. When the Newcastle earthquake hit some years ago I was driving down the south coast and knew nothing about till days later. (I was on holidays and make a point of avoiding all news. It was the same with the Thredbo avalanche. I did not find out about that till weeks later.)
Not a good situation. I know NZ get thousands of tremors every year, but Christchurch has had more than it's share of late. I almost had a job there 6 years ago, but my health got in the way. Christchurch is such a beautiful city with all its parks. It's hard to connect the pictures of the devastation to it.
Unfortunatly the death toll has risen to 98 with 226 people still missing.
My thoughts are with our New Zealand cousins during this tragic time.

Mr Turbo