Offroad Subaru (Impreza)


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2008
Car Year
Car Model
6 Speed
Offroad Subaru (Impreza)-Now with video

Well, the name of the forum is Offroad Subarus. Well, the car is offroad, and it is definitely a Subaru. I cannot possibly convey to you just how much fun I had on Sunday. Huge slides at 90 degrees plus in third gear for 50-100 metres, reverse doughnuts, and just about everything you could imagine. I was throwing up huge chunks of grass amd mud, and it was like someone had a fire hose on your side windows spurting out nud and water. Simply brilliant- and here are the photos of my car. I hope to get some more shots soon, plus a video. Thanks to the NSW WRX Club for organising the event.






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Did that WRX Club trailer in the last picture get booted by the cops?

In any case, fun in the Mud is good for you!
No, we put that on ourselves. Funny you should say that, because the cops did turn up, but there were no hassles. They were keen to have a go, but lack of helmets (the event was held under CAMS regulations) and how they would explain a dirty car to their boss prevented it. They probably would have done ok seeing their 4WD had decent tyres- something most of us did not. Only 2 cars had rally tyres
Posted some video footage- hope you like it.

Pluse some footage of many years ago in my Falcon on the Birdsville Track

Absolutley love the second vid.....

This comes to mind.... not because of the car, but because of the peanut gallery and era...

"Last of the V8 Intercepters. You can open the gate on this one.....she's the ducks guts"

Love it....
wow man that impreza was sloppy mad off road! Great job... I can't wait until i move north and get out of this sand... sand just doesn't slop as well as mud :)
As the car omes towards the camera, I am redlining it in 3rd gear. Obviously more than enough boost. Downside to the mud is that I was 2 1/2 hours from home, and the mud put everything out of balance. I dared not go over a 100 under load. Oh, and it took 3 times to clean the car, including one on the hoist with a high pressure water blaster. But well worth it!
Your girlfriend wants a WRX? Lucky you!