What about a regional section?


Forum Member
Dec 11, 2010
Loveland, CO
I know this might be a bit "copy-cat" from another forum, but what do you guys think about having a regional section of the forum? With the growing pace of the forum, i think this could really help members in getting together for local outings & promoting our simple cause. Have it broken down into the territories of Australia, as well as the US & other countries as they grow in popularity on the site. I would love to have it out here to where when i pass another subaru on the road, i see that "offroadsubarus.com" sticker.
What do you guys think? :poke:
I know the aussies have their subaru4wd club that they might possibly use more for that sort of thing, but how 'bout on here? As far as i know, there isn't squat out here :sadbanana:
I just don't think we're big enough to warrant such a section/s, I'd be awfully lonely in my little 'southeast' forum. Perhaps someday, but I'd also be willing to hear input.:)
Regional forums work best when you have a relationship with regional car clubs. Otherwise they're seldom used. My 2cents.
Regional Forum

I have no thoughts on a regional forum, but I would like to get the sticker or emblem you just mentioned! Do they exist?
Thank guys, challis
I just don't think we're big enough to warrant such a section/s, I'd be awfully lonely in my little 'southeast' forum. Perhaps someday, but I'd also be willing to hear input.:)
I'd have to agree with carljwnc on this one :)
Maybe in time, as the forum grows in size, it might be something we could look at.

Mr Turbo
A bit for a thread zombie, I know but... I like zombies :P

More seriously, I do agree that the forum isn't big enough for that, however it could be worth it for the classifieds section, at least with Aussie / North American subdivisions.

My 2 cents!
A bit for a thread zombie, I know but... I like zombies :P

More seriously, I do agree that the forum isn't big enough for that, however it could be worth it for the classifieds section, at least with Aussie / North American subdivisions.

My 2 cents!

I agree with fly :cool:
Gidday Folks

I also think the forum is too small to segregate people.

The Holland section would have one member; in common with the German section ... :(

Leaving all that to one side, I honestly believe that such a move would fragment this forum - a forum that is currently characterised by its cohesiveness and friendliness.

Long may that continue :) :ebiggrin: :cool:
More seriously, I do agree that the forum isn't big enough for that, however it could be worth it for the classifieds section, at least with Aussie / North American subdivisions.

This is why we are fairly adamant about folks putting a location in their profiles. Even with regards to the classifieds, we are still not that big. :iconwink:
One of the things I love about this forum is friendships established with those on the other side of the 'big lake'.
Gidday Barry

One of the things I love about this forum is friendships established with those on the other side of the 'big lake'.

Which 'big lake', mate?

Port Philip?
Or the other one?


I quite agree.
Ditto with the very many people I correspond with as a result of my photography interests.
One of the things I love about this forum is friendships established with those on the other side of the 'big lake'.
I totally agree :ebiggrin:
That, together with some great friendships from a lot of others too :ebiggrin:
Whether it's interstate or just local, I have made plenty a great friends here :raz:

Mr Turbo