subaXtreme wont respond to my emails...

They can be a bit tardy on responding - especially at this time of year s may still be on summer shut down, or maybe just back.
What are you after from them (e.g. year and model / style of bar) and I'll try and find out weights, etc - may help you work out costs. Send me a PM.
Also, I know there are freight forwarders in the US who will shift stuff from there to here, not sure if it works in the reverse.
haha i know, im planning on having a front bumper fabricated here.
i only want the rear bumper from them, and i am curious on how much they charge and how much shipping would run me.
i only want the rear bumper from them, and i am curious on how much they charge and how much shipping would run me.
I'm not sure what the exact price would be now, but Caddyman had one made for his OB in 2008 & it wasn't cheap :eek:
I will give full details in a posting later, during the week. I have all the details and my pictures on my work computer.
But for ggvfr the final price was $3K (fitted) and the wheel carrier is removeable.
I realise that you have a Forry, not an OB, but this should give you an idea of what sort of $$$ you would be looking at.

Mr Turbo
Haha there's no way I could spend 3k haha, I'm working with Jackson rally soon (there gonna make me extended control and trailing arms, and possibly front and rear bumpers)

Plus I'm in the process of trying to find a dual range tranny w/driveline and rear diff (from an old GL) and that's gonna cost me a bit too.
nice are you gonna be able to use stock axels with longer control arms? maybe some arb's or other selectable locker would be nice

sounds sweet though on the custom bumpers