Blackfellows to Zig Zag Trip

mr turbo

Emeritus Forum Staff and Founders' Friend
Jul 11, 2008
Car Year
Car Model
G'day all, just thought I'd share my latest adventure with you all.

Well we started out meeting up at Bowenfels, where it was a crisp 1Deg C & headed off from there. We had 11 vehicles in total, ranging from a stock Outback right up to lifted landcruisers etc. Not forgetting a good mix of modified Suby's in between.


We headed to Blackfellows Hand Rock 1st to check out the Aboriginal Art. After a short look there we headed out to explore some of the surrounding tracks in the area.



These tracks had a great mix of everything from steep climbs aswell as steep decents, muddy bog holes, with plenty of uneven ground & even a few rock steps thrown in for good measure. With all of this to contend with, good wheel placement was a must, but nothing the Suby's couldn't handle.




Along the way we could simply look in awe at the magnificant beauty that this area has to offer. I think my favourite would have to be the lookout at Wolgan Gap.




Our final stop was the Lost City which is a magic site to see. It doesn't matter how many times I visit the Lost City it just always amazes me.


By this time, it was starting to get late in the day, so we headed back to the Zig Zag Railway, where we said our good-buys & headed for home.

Mr Turbo
These tracks had a great mix of everything from steep climbs aswell as steep decents, muddy bog holes, with plenty of uneven ground & even a few rock steps thrown in for good measure. With all of this to contend with, good wheel placement was a must, but nothing the Suby's couldn't handle. and good to know that "nothing the Suby's couldn't handle :lol:
nice one Damo. it is a great spot, bumm'n i can't make the next one:cry:

I'm in the same boat unfortunately.:sadbanana: But I'll know for certain in about a week or so. And I'm :censored: :censored: :puke:about it.

:censored: work injuries, they really :censored: me right off :eviltoyou:

Mr Turbo
Nice report, it is great to see some action shots of the Outbacks tackling some of the terrain.
How deep was that water?

I have an '08 Outback and I think the manual says something about only water up to the bottom of the bodywork.

I would like to take it offroad a bit and would like to know what it can actually deal with.
How deep was that water?

I have an '08 Outback and I think the manual says something about only water up to the bottom of the bodywork.

I would like to take it offroad a bit and would like to know what it can actually deal with.
as a general rule you SHOULDEN'T go deeper than the wheels or half way wheel mark on a flowing/moving river. common sense always prevails in these situations. walk the crossing first, assess the depth times ( X ) the flowing speed. if in doubt. just go the long way or go back! take it easy, dont rush because this will create a bigger wave and cover the height of your air intake. a good idea is to cover your bonnet/ front with a tarp or improvise with a windscreen sun visor or somthing to create a bow wave. make sure the river bottom is sturdy enough for traction and your exit is do-able.:)

p.s. if by chance you do start to drift or float, open your doors imediatly, to sink back down.
only water up to the bottom of the bodywork.
Mr Turbo and I must've missed that part of the owners manual:

[ame=""]Subaru Forester goes snorkeling! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Subaru Forester XT flood crossing - YouTube[/ame]

With a blind: [ame=""]Subaru Forester @ St Albans - YouTube[/ame]

Love the pic of the silver OB going through the splash, and whos red OB with the spare set up like that, something I'm thinking of as my spare doesn't fit in the factory well.
^ ah yes, just a few mods :iconwink: - but the blue Foz (with the blind) is completely stock standard.