Adventures in CEL support group


Forum Member
Jul 27, 2010
Phoenix AZ
I don't honestly have questions, I just feel like I nead a chat over a beer. A little back ground first. Our old Forester has 165k miles. It has only seen a dealer twice. Once when it was delivered and once for the first service. Regular maintenance items have been done by myself. I am no trained mechanic, though the Army used to let me put a wrench on helicopters.

The days of "just change the oil every 3k and she will run forever" are gone. Now, everyone likes clean air to breath, but it is starting to hurt my wallet. We recently moved to a state that has emissions testing. Now bear in mind, they don't care if your brakes don't work as long as your pipe don't stink. Where we used to live it was the opposite. The night before the inspection I just erased the codes. As long as the CEL was not on you were ok. Of course everything mechanical had to be tip top safety first.

I'm ok with my old tags for a while but soon I will have to subjected to the pipe test. Sure, she don't run like she used to and maybe she drinking a little heavy. But she is still part of the family and we have grown attached to her. Now about the car... just kidding. I have been checking the codes. You know how it teases you with one or two at a time. Well I did the knock sensor. Easy enough and not too expensive. Little did I know this was a gateway drug. Then I got the dreaded 0420. Yep, $1200 bucks from the dealer I don't think so. They must have gone past the gateway drug and full on with the crack. So I did the first O2 sensor. Easy job and I didn't need to take out a loan.

Seemed to drive better for a while. Then a week or so later the light came back on. No big deal, been ignoring it for at least a year. Carry on I say. Then here the family is, all packed up on a camping trip headed back home. Managing the curviest road I may have ever experienced. It even confused the GPS, she kept recalculating on the same road. Went from 14000 feet down to about 4000. Almost to the bottom and she cuts off in a curve. Panic ensues, cause breaks and steering don't work as well and there are no guardrails on this road. Remember, they are not so concerned about safety in this state as long as you don't foul the air.

She stalled one more time later, we cut the trip short and headed straight home. Made it in one piece, unloaded the gear and grabbed my trusty code scanner. Of course 0420, again so I bit the bullet and ordered the replacement cats. I know 165k miles on the originals. Found them on Amazon of all places pretty good deal $260 w/ shipping. Oh, and then there is another code, a new digit of doom. What havoc will this reek on my finances?!! P1507. After some googling its the Idle Air Control Valve only $380! There is hope though apparently you can try cleaning and reinstalling, but you have to get the replacement gasket at the stealership. Here is a link

So, the saga continues. I feel better after my monolouge...
Just think of all that money you've saved at the stealerships!

Sounds like you've had a good run for 165k miles.
Yeah Kevin, I honestly cant complain. Still got alot of life left. Saving a few bucks doing it myself. Fortunately the dealership is not too bad on prices. I just did a clutch slave cylinder and the local auto parts was only $15 cheaper. Might regret not getting the factory one.

BTW thinking about doing the Seafoam thing. I think you guys can get something similar from the dealer. Its suposed to clean out the carbon, makes the car smoke like hell for about 10 minutes. Thinking about doing it before I change the cats, probably clogs up the screens.
You've done well mate, & saved more than a few $$$ by doing the work youself. Better to have the money in your own pocket I say, instead of giving it to the "stealers" :iconwink:

There may be 165k miles of age, but as you say, she's part of the family. :)
3jarrells, there's plenty of life left in her, thats for sure. :ebiggrin:

Mr Turbo
BTW that link that I put up does'nt apply to the forester. That IACV is on the WRX model. My particular saga continues...
When you are without a job, time is plentiful. So, I bought a can of SeaFoam, the aerosole type. Took out the IACV sprayed it down whiped it with a clean rag and tried my best to give it a good pep talk. A little positive reinforcement can't hurt. It had alot of carbon build up as well as the hole it came out of. I took the air cleaner off and sprayed abit in there too. Removed another unidentified sensor and cleaned it off and sprayed the hole. I took the brake booster and the PCV and a vaccum line off and gave them a shot too.

As usual I farted around with a few other things, fixed my clock! Put it all back together and decided to fire it up. Now, I have a tiny one car garage but I live in an apartment complex. I knew it would smoke but wasn't quite prepared for that. I backed it out, closed the door and sped out to the intersate like Colin McRae. Seemed to clear up quick and I enjoyed flogging it for a good reason.

We shall see how it goes. At least now I know what time it is. My cats are on the way. Hope to have them in before the weekend. So we can head out on another adventure!!