My Cars


Forum Member
Sep 5, 2010
i said in my introduction thread i'd upload some pics of my cars so here we go.

being a suby foru, ill start with the '06 outback. it's stock as a rock at the moment but doesnt mean it doesnt go hard. Had some mad puddle fun out near menai today. I checked the depth but didnt measure right in the middle, so when the car dropped off half way through the long as puddle, the water level was halfway up the doors, got out fine though.

pity i didnt get any action shots but here goes



my mate mark riding shotgun

nice and dirty

then i got my 1991 Laser GL 1.6carby

long story short it went from this

to this

to this

mods include strut brace, tx3 front end, respray, modded are intake and some visual tweaks

lastly i have my 1988 Laser TX3 1.6injected road rally/targa project


not much to look at yet but will eventually have fully adjustable suspension, cusco sway bars and strut brace, mazda FE3T 2.0L turbo conversion, celica gt4 gearbox conversion just to name a few
Welcome pete r

Good to see the Outback dirty:lildevil:

You will have to zip tie the inner guard or you will loose it in one of those mud puddles

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You will have to zip tie the inner guard or you will loose it in one of those mud puddles

Yeh I learnt that the hard way hahah, nevermind I put it back on today and smoothed out the gashes in the front bar and resprayed it from the foggies down. Came out quite well, probably will only last to the next time i go offroad though, i need a lift kit.
I know this isn't really the place to stick up pictures of a clean subaru, but I got bored and went to olympic park for some photos since the outback was clean for once. I was hounded by security twice for driving on the footpath to get photos, which was a bit of a disappointment because once i uploaded the pictures to the computer they didnt look as good as they did on the camera.

But here goes





and some after playing with effects

Might need to play around with shutter speeds and and other bits. I was wondering what you'd do about the gearbox on the TX3, as they are fragile. That shape Laser was the best I reckon.
I was wondering what you'd do about the gearbox on the TX3, as they are fragile. That shape Laser was the best I reckon.

if the tx3 stays the way it is performance wise the stock mazda box should be alright. However if i go ahead with the 2.0L twincam conversion from the import mazda 626 capella i'll be looking at doing a toyota celica GT4 gearbox conversion.

a couple of guys on have GT4 gearbox's on their lasers and GTX familia's with either the FE3 2.0L motor of the BPT 1.8L motor and havnt had any problems gearbox wise at all. The 'box seems to be the weakest point on the TX3, other than that they seem to be extremely reliable