Some ideas


Forum Member
Jul 11, 2008
Salisbury SA
Car Year
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How about a photography section - for photos of our outing and subby's and maybe one for accessories like GPS etc. Similar to what was in the old forum:)
there was a general photography section under off topics and a trip reports under planned trips where we posted pics and info of where we went

another idea, how about an outdoor activity section for things like bush walking, fishing, mountain biking etc?
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nice work guys! i don't know how it works but can you get more smiles/emotions?you used to be able to click a link and a page full would pop up. helps a lot when your trying to express yourself. (no Madonna jokes please!):o
Yes..... Please bring back the smiles/emotions, if that is possible of course :confused:

Mr Turbo
That is at the top of our to do list. I'm hoping to grab the smiles/emotions from the old site when it is back on line.
just another idea

about 80-90% of us use gps when we go offroading, so in the planned trips section cant we have a sticky announcement to encourage people to log their tracks and save them to a file hosting site then paste a link in the trip reports. that way if someone likes the looks and sounds of the trip it will be a lot easier to retrace the tracks. you can also put in waypoints with remarks or photos. there is also one of many programs called GPSBABEL which is free and will convert nearly every waypoint format. i can place a link for this aswell:)
Eden that is a good idea. Would you mind putting together an announcement and posting it and we will make it a sticky.
Just being picky,but how about putting the post dates around the right way eg 17 7 08 instead of the yankee way.