Mobile speed camera locations

Instead of having to know where every camera is, why not just not speed? Never have to worry about speed cameras if you aren't breaking the law...
Instead of having to know where every camera is, why not just not speed? Never have to worry about speed cameras if you aren't breaking the law...
I totally agree 100%
But....anytime I see a speed "flash for cash" camera, I drop my speed by about 5km/hr just to make sure.
I do this because I just don't trust the speed calibration of the camera's.
I've just seen & heard too many stories of how much they (camera's) are out by so I don't trust them or their accuracy.

Mr Turbo
You'll find that the speed cameras are extremely accurate - providing they are set up correctly. If anything isn't going to be calibrated correctly it will be the speedo in your (or my) car. Car speedos can have a 10% inaccuracy and still be considered by the motor industry to be correct.
A speed camera goes through a large number of calibrations every year as well as tests before, during and after it has been deployed (up here in Qld anyway). No point in having it set up if it isn't going to be accurate.
The only accurate way to measure your own speed is with a GPS. Car speedos are set up to read high, to limit the chance to inadvertently mis read so that you are travelling too fast.
Because there are times (as in almost always) when I am looking at where I am going, as oppposed to permanently looking at my speedo to make sure I do not speed. Chances are if you are looking at your speedo you will more likely run into spmething or someone. As a former NSW senior police crash investigator said only this week, the cameras are pure revenue raisers, and that speed itself is the REAL CAUSE of only a small minority of crashes.

The statistics used by the pollies and serving police to justify this revenue raising mean that even though an accident was actually caused by something other than speed- such as drink driving or going through a red light or whatever, if by chance the vehicle was "speeding", that goes in the stats as being the cause of the accident. And you could also be considered speeding even when travelling below the speed limit. For God's sake, let's use a bit of grey matter and stop swallowing this rubbish about speed kills.

One could further argue the speed limits are artificially low, that the placement of the camera cars is in itself dangerous but look no further than the government's own budget forecasts. They actually budgeted for the increase in fines- so there you have it. Anyone who believed the roads minister when he said he hoped not to get a single extra dollar from the new cameras must be waiting for the tooth fairy tonight as well.

Instead of having to know where every camera is, why not just not speed? Never have to worry about speed cameras if you aren't breaking the law...
And so it comes back to what was said in a previous post. If you don't want to get caught or fined then don't speed. Simple.

Besides it takes very little time to check your speed and most people who have been driving for a while know whether or not they are speeding anyway. You don't need to "Permanently" look at your speedo.

If speed was a factor of an accident then yes it is included in the file as part of a reason for the accident. Also included are any other factors present - such as drink driving, fatigue etc.
Well, with speed zones constantly changing, even though the road changes not at all, one must always be looking for both the sign and the speedo- that is why I have not lost points for decades. But it distracts me from the real job at hand. It does not take long to look at the speedo- but you have to keep doing it because the speed zones are forever changing- for no reason. And then be riding the brakes down hills as you must also be making sure you do not speed- by checking the speedo

The point I made was that speed while present was NOT a CAUSE of the accidents. In the same way you may have been wearing jeans while you were drunk, it does not mean wearing jeans caused the accident. You could have been doing a speed over the limit and not crashed, but only crashed because you were drunk. The police officer who writes down the causes of many accidents is not qualified to make such decisons. He just writes down the speed the vehicle is believed to have been travelling, not that it was the cause. If speed was so dangerous and such a deadly problem then there would be hardly a German left alive. Or a racing driver either for that matter. Germany has roads with no speed limits, 4 times our propulation and only 3 times our accidents, with weather nowhere near as good as here. And you never see these or other speed traps in Europe in the sheer numbers you see here. So it is NOT speed that is killing people.

The South Australian Government at one time listed the real causes of its accidents on an obscure website, and speed made up less than 5%. Which brings me back to my point. Concentrate on the driving and not be so worried about being a few k's over an artifically low limit. And considering the dramatic improvements to cars and tyres and in some instances roads, you would think they would be raising the speed limits.

And do you reall;y think that the punishment fits the "crime"? To prove how much the fines are pure revenue raisers, consider this: Only in this area of the law are you guilty until proven innocent. Also, when you commit this "crime" you autonatically receive 100% of the maximum penalty. Commit a real crime up to and including murder, rape and child molestation and you will almost never receive 100% of the penalty. Gaol costs the government money, fines give them money.
I totally agree with your last paragraph. Punishments handed out in courts in this country are a joke.
As to open speeds in Germany, that is on large, open autobahns, roads made for high speeds. I challenge you to find a road comparable in Australia to the quality of those in Europe. Our roads are shocking. The majority of Europe is speed controlled, to an even larger extent than over here.
Speed is not written down as the main cause of certain accidents. As I said before, all contributing factors are written down in the event of an accident.
Speed is the main cause of some accidents.
Drunkenness is the main cause of some accidents.
Fatigue is the main cause of some accidents.
All accidents are treated separately and on their contributing factors.
Face it, speed cameras are here to stay. A lot of us have been the unfortunate recipients of fines - myself included.
Check your speed regularly and you'll be fine - not Fined!
On a different track, it's nice to be part of a website/forum where we can enjoy a conversation and not be reduced to the mindless name calling and character bashing of some other sites!
^ that only happens after your 20th post Geoff! One more post and you're a prime target :lol:

I've have to agree that constantly checking speed and frequent changes in speed zones is very distracting, especially in Sydney where there is so much traffic.

I'll be very surprised if there is any reduction in the road toll directly attributable to mobile speed cameras and agree that they are just cash-cows.

(btw - I have not been pinged since 1983)
if speed cameras isn't a cash grab why is Macquarie Bank is trying to jump on the market of mobile speed cameras? personally i think a lot of the speed limits are to low. with modern day cars they are so much more capable of handling on highways and long country roads. i think 100-110KPH is a fatigue causing speed. 120-130 keeps your mind active and alert on the long straight freeway/highway roads. i understand that everyone is different this is why Austraia should adopt the Euro style autobahns. but thats for another thred.:ebiggrin:
Agreed. I feel very strongly on this and was keen to have a say. But everyone is entitled to a view- and respect. I've said my piece for the time being and will leave it at that.

On a different track, it's nice to be part of a website/forum where we can enjoy a conversation and not be reduced to the mindless name calling and character bashing of some other sites!
Because there are times (as in almost always) when I am looking at where I am going, as oppposed to permanently looking at my speedo to make sure I do not speed. Chances are if you are looking at your speedo you will more likely run into something or someone.
We hear this excuse all the time but really, who needs to be permanently looking at their speedo to know what speed you are doing? It needs no more that an occasional glance and is just one of the many things such a checking rear view mirrors that we should make part of our routine of being AWARE, INFORMED, INVOLVED drivers. Sure, it might not be that speed kills but the faster you are going when an unusual incident occurs the more difficult it will be to avoid or recover from that incident and the more damaging or perhaps fatal the consequence. Inappropriate speed at the wrong time and place is the problem and there are many times we could safely do much higher than the posted limit (just like there are places where the posted limit can be too high) but do we really want to cope with more changes to the limits? It seems like there are enough variations already. In the end the law is the law - stay and play within it or cop it sweet and don't complain. Others of us don't find it too difficult or arduous.