my "new" Brumby - good job by Subaweck:SA


Forum Member
Jan 1, 2009
adelaide with sojourns in canberra and sydney
Paul at Subareck in SA has just finished putting me back into a brumby.

After my original Beige 1990 one had been written off in April by a blonde in a BMW. He had bought the resultant wreck at the local auction. It had 5 speed (EXTREMELY noisy), rear disks , aircon, power steer and an Alarm w remote Power locks. a really nice aluminium rollover bar and a good bullbar and towbar, front driving and fog lights, a new radiator, new alternator, and a very rust free body and tailgate etc. -(sob)-

It had taken me 9 months to find it and had bought to SA from Victoria.

I wanted to replace it w another brumby, but could find nothing remotely as good anywhere in OZ.

Then, in the spaces of 48 hours, I picked up a 1987 white Brumby with Air-Con and 3/4 of a 2" body lift kit, a very strong engine, a loose windscreen, a huge 5 pillar bullbar, white canvas camping canopy with a front and rear carry bars in the tray, two thermo fans, a "well used body, crappy seats, whiny gearbox and a speedo that did not work because of a hugely overheated gearbox, and 2 days ofSA rego left !........But the price was V right.

Long story short, Paul and the boys sold me back my rear disk brakes, the power steering and then added the fittings for the gearbox to a far better '92 5 speed and rear diff, and moved them all over to the '87 car.

I'm really happy with the work and while it was not fantastically cheap ( we all want something for nothing) , it sure was not as exorbitantly over-charged as some of the conversions I've heard about.

They were honest about the work estimates, let me know it really needed a new clutch and gave me a good price on that as well. I know that they had supplier problems with the mix and match gearbox/clutch combination that took at least 2 days to sort out.

Have been running it for the last 5 weeks, and just put it back with them today to do a bit of a touch up on the gear linkage, AND they replaced the reversing lights sending unit on the gear box (under w'tee !!!:ebiggrin::ebiggrin:).

The work was done well, and the two things that needed a little attention later were done with no questions asked at all !!

I think most people are happy to pay a fair price for good work, that the business is prepared to w'tee, and that sort of security is worth paying good money for, as far as I'm concerned.

so I thought I would post this up to both celebrate my formal return to brumbyhood, and to also give Subaweck a little plug. Their website is down ATM , but will be back up again in a week or so.


PS , If anyone has a pair of front 2' strut tops for a brumby sitting around - I'm in the market for a pair to finish the body lift.