onebobs new CB


Forum Member
Jul 10, 2008
Gippsland, South Eastern Australia
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Here's some pics of my new CB set up - it's a GME TX3100 running into an RFI glass mount. Antenna SWR after tuning is 1.3:1. Not long after purchasing the news came out that they're expanding the UHFCB channel allocation effective January 2011 with current equipment becoming illegal on January 2014. details here



Love jargon definitions onebob - "expanding" the frequency range, therefore no room for current equipment.
Surely this was foreseeable at the time the transition to UHF occurred, only a few years ago?
Either regulatory short sightedness or industry planned obsolescence, IMO. (Says him who knows next to nowt about coms!)
Most frequencies will be new, although some will remain. As most people will not know of the changes, I expect it willl be a nightmare with those on the old frequencies will interfere with those on the new.
First I've heard of it so I reckon you're right Rally. Hopefully my in vehicle unit can be upgraded to the new system but I'm a bit annoyed about my handhelds as I have a good 5w one of those as well which wasn't cheap and a couple of 1w Unidens which were cheap but still....
Bumping an old thread, in Thailand where I am now there is a shop that specialises in uhf/vhf radio's, what frequency do I need and do I need uhf? can't remember what I have at home, I didn't have a good look but they look like they have some fairly good gear, I'd prefer a decent hand held or should I get a solid mounted in car one and use the little Dick Smith ones for outside the car???

I noticed above something about them changing something, did this happen or will it, help will be appreciated.
Tom I just bought a Uniden in car UHF with the new 80 cannels for just over $200 off ebay with all the mounting gear and arial. It should be arriving this week :biggrin:

I do have some 40 channel Uniden UHF handheld radios and they are ok but the quality of the audio isn't very clear plus the range isn't very good either. They were just cheap $100 ones thouugh.

I would be going the new 80 channel if I were you, whats the point in going old tech. Also get an in car one if thats where you will uswe it the most.

With frequency have a look here.
